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Table 3 Associations of clustering patterns of diet, PA and sedentary behaviours with CVD and health-related fitness in children, adolescents, and young adults (n = 5)

From: Clustering of diet, physical activity and sedentary behaviour and related physical and mental health outcomes: a systematic review

Authors (Year)

Clusters summary

Health outcomes

Method of analysis


Sex-stratified associations


Children (n = 2)

Bel-Serrat et al., (2013) [69]

C1. Physically active


C2. Sedentary


C3. Physically active and sedentary (boys)


C3. High beverage consumption (girls)


C4. Healthy diet


C5. Low beverage consumption and low sedentary


Individual CVD risk factors (sum two skinfolds, SBP, HOMA index, ratio TC/HDL-C, and TG) and age- and sex-specific CVD risk score

Multiple linear regression

Parental socio-economic status and study centre


G in C2 and B in C3 + HOMA

B in C2 + sum of two skinfolds

B in C4 + ratio TC/HDL-c

B in C1 to C4 + SBP

B in Cs 2,3, and 4 + CVD risk

Drenowatz et al., (2012) [43]

C1. Low PA/high ST/low diet


C2. Low PA/high ST/high diet


C3. High PA/low ST/low diet


C4. High PA/low ST/high diet


CVD risk score


Sex and total caloric intake



Adolescents (n = 3)

Cuenca-García et al., (2013) [63]

C1. Healthy diet and active


C2. Healthy diet and academic


C3. Healthy diet and inactive


C4. Unhealthy diet and screen user


C5. Unhealthy diet and active


Health-related fitness (20-m shuttle run z-score, handgrip strength z-score, standing broad jump z-score, and shuttle run 4 × 10 m z-score)




B in C1 + aerobic capacity and speed-agility

G in C1 + aerobic capacity, muscular strength, and speed-agility

B in C1 + aerobic capacity than C2, C3, C4, and C5 and + speed-agility than B in C4

B in C4 - aerobic capacity than other Cs (worst)

G in C1 + aerobic capacity, muscular strength, and speed-agility than C2, C3, and C4

G in C4 - lower-body muscular strength and speed-agility than C5 (worst)

Active adolescents in C1 and C5 had statistically significant differences on aerobic capacity despite an equal z-score on MVPA (higher) and an unequal z-score on DQ (high in C1 and low in C5)

Hartz et al., (2018) [44]

C 1B


C 2B


C 3B


C 1A


C 2A


C 3A


Cardiorespiratory fitness

Multivariate linear regression

Accelerometer wear time, BMI, age, race, and PIR


C 3B - VO2 max

Magalhães et al., (2022) [58]

Late/on time maturing adolescents







Early maturing adolescents





Metabolic risk score

Crude linear regression

Age and chronological age


C1 in early maturing adolescents + metabolic risk score in comparison with C2

  1. ↑ high, PA physical activity, ↓ low, FV fruits and vegetables, SSB sugar sweetened beverages, TV television, CVD cardiovascular disease, SBP systolic blood pressure, HOMA homoeostatic assessment model, TC total cholesterol, HDL-C high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, TG triglycerides, G girls, B boys, + positive significant associations reported, MVPA moderate to vigorous physical activity, DQ diet quality, ST screen time, 0 No significant associations reported, ~ moderate, SBHW sedentary behaviours devoted to homework,—negative/inverse significant associations reported, SB sedentary behaviours, BMI body mass index, PIR poverty-to-income ratio, VO2 max maximum rate of oxygen consumption, UHF unhealthy foods