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Table 6 Information preferences

From: Decision-making on colorectal cancer screening in Curaçao - interviews with the target population





Q01. “Promote the program a little more….put a little more programs…maybe on the radio, on the television, whatever in the media.”

R02, female, 64 years of age, intermediate education level


Q02. “You have a campaign going on, and I listened to the promo on the radio. It is…it is good, it’s effective. You should be more focused on prevention of how someone can prevent the ruin of their life environment both mentally, spiritually and physically. It is a priority, I believe more in a holistic form. Human beings, you have to accept them…in one form…you know, so in their totality of life, so life as a totality of savor.”

R08, male, 72 years of age, high education level

Information format

Q03. “It doesn’t have to be detailed ….short and sweet….Tell them exactly what the test does. So, if you explain to them that it is not complicated, I think that they will at least think about.”

R04, male, 54 years of age, intermediate education level

Information content

Q04. I think the type of promotion that you are doing now, it has to become a different type of promotion. Where you show the instrument that you use or what the test entails precisely, to remove the fear or taboo.”

R18, female, 72 years of age, intermediate education level

  1. *Quote: All quotes are numbered, with the letter Q and two digits
  2. *Respondent: for each quote the corresponding respondent is cited with the letter R and two digits