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Table 5 Decision-making

From: Decision-making on colorectal cancer screening in Curaçao - interviews with the target population





Q01. “I have nothing to do, I have nothing to lose.”

R05, male, 70 years of age, low education level


Q02. “It’s my body, it’s my body. I have to decide, I can’t ask my spouse.”

R05, male, 70 years of age, low education level

Q03. “…I have been living alone, I mean there are certain things you have to consult but not all. Things like this you have to do for your health, you can’t wait for people to tell you, and you have to take matters in your hands.”

R16, female, 67 years of age, intermediate education level

Q04. “… I make my own decisions, because I live alone and my child lives in the Netherlands, so I make my own decisions.”

R20, female, 59 years of age, intermediate education level

Consulting others

Q05. Interviewer: “Do the opinions of others play a role when making a decision to participate or not?”

Respondent: “Yes. I think so. Maybe if, depends on what you hear other people say, the more opinions you hear or more people you hear who are positive, I think that it then helps more people to go.”

R13, female, 61 years of age, intermediate education level

  1. *Quote: All quotes are numbered, with the letter Q and two digits
  2. *Respondent: for each quote the corresponding respondent is cited with the letter R and two digits