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Table 4 Beliefs on CRC screening (provision)

From: Decision-making on colorectal cancer screening in Curaçao - interviews with the target population




Positive attitude

Q01. Interviewer: “And what do you think about the program that we have for screening that exists here in Curaçao?”

Respondent: “Great, it is great. No, I find it very good, a good initiative. Something very good, indeed, indeed. Because, [I would not come on my own account].”

R05, male, 70 years of age, low education level


Q02. “About colon cancer, you say well, you know what happens is that, from the moment you talk about cancer it scares a lot of people. And because it scares you, when you get opportunities like this you have to take it. To do certain tests.”

R15,male, 68 years of age, high education level

Early detection

Q03. “If it’s detected early on it is possible that… if they detect it early on then they can help you.”

R01, female, 74 years of age, intermediate education level


Q04. Respondent: “Not that I like the idea of a whole pipe in your body…”

Interviewer: “But the screening itself, do you know what it entails?”

Respondent: “No, I don’t know.”

Interviewer: “Okay, but you just told me about a pipe.”

Respondent: “Yes they spoke to me; I think a light that looks into your system.”

Interviewer: “Are you under the impression that that is the screening?”

Respondent: “That is the screening, yes.”

R22, male, 72 years of age, intermediate education level


Q05. Interviewer: “And you think that it’s good that the FP offers the screening instead of let’s say an organization like the government or a general practitioner?”

Respondent: Yes, yes, I think a foundation like this is much better. Because let me say for example if the hospital does it, it would be different. But if you place an organization focused on certain things, I think it will turn out well for everyone, because they have their routine, everything stays- I think it will run a lot better. For both sides, both for the patient and for you as well.”

R11, male, 63 years of age, high education level

  1. *Quote: All quotes are numbered, with the letter Q and two digits
  2. *Respondent: for each quote the corresponding respondent is cited with the letter R and two digits