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Table 2 Changes in number of newly diagnosed mental health disorders in pre- and post-pandemic periods

From: Longitudinal impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of mental disorders in preadolescents and adolescents


mean [SD]

Estimated coefficient [95% CI]




Baseline incidence rate

Level change a

Slope change b

Eating disorders

240 [7.61]

122 [9.28]

6.60 [4.92–8.85]

1.00 [0.59–1.69]

1.05 [1.00–1.11]


765 [21.26]

339 [24.22]

24.48 [21.14–28.35]

1.14 [0.86–1.51]

1.04 [1.01–1.07]

Mood disorders

586 [16.53]

340 [24.84]

18.21 [15.32–21.64]

1.43 [1.05–1.95]

1.04 [1.01–1.07]

Somatoform disorders

1347 [39.39]

489 [34.22]

35.70 [31.97–39.86]

0.73 [0.59–0.90]

1.04 [1.02–1.07]

  1. SD Standard deviation; CI Confidence interval
  2. aLevel change refers to an abrupt level change in pre-COVID-19 versus post-COVID-19 periods
  3. bSlope change refers to slope change over time in pre-COVID-19 versus post-COVID-19 periods