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Table 2 Cost estimation formula for each risk factor cluster

From: The societal cost of modifiable risk factors in Singapore



Healthcare Costs

\(\sum_{\mathrm{d}=1}^{{n}_{d}}\sum_{\mathrm{g}=1}^{2}\sum_{\mathrm{a}=1}^{{n}_{a}}{mean inpatient bill}_{\mathrm{d}ga}\times {inpatient volume}_{\mathrm{dga}}\times {\mathrm{Cluster }PAF}_{dga}\)

Productivity Loss due Absenteeism1

\(\sum_{d=1}^{{n}_{d}}\sum_{g=1}^{2}\sum_{a=1}^{{n}_{a}}{mean daily wages}_{ga}\times {LFPR}_{\mathrm{ga}}\times {\mathrm{mean LOS}}_{\mathrm{dga}}\times {inpatient volume}_{dga}\times {\mathrm{Cluster PAF}}_{\mathrm{dga}}\)

Productivity Loss due Premature Mortality1

\(\sum_{d=1}^{{n}_{d}}\sum_{g=1}^{2}\sum_{a=1}^{{n}_{a}}{number of deaths}_{\mathrm{g}a}\times {LFPR}_{\mathrm{g}a}\times {total expected future earning}_{\mathrm{g}a}\times {\mathrm{Cluster }PAF}_{d\mathrm{g}a}\)

  1. where d = diseases; nd = total number of diseases; g = sex; and a = age groups in 5 year interval; na = total number of age groups; PAF = population attributable fraction; LFPR = labour force participation rates; LOS = length of stay
  2. 1Productivity losses exclude those above 80