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Table 1 Study population of the descriptive analysis of index cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection with a confirmed source case within their households

From: Reduction of SARS-CoV-2 intra-household child-to-parent transmission associated with ventilation: results from a case–control study



Age – median [IQR] (years)

42 [36–50]


76,664 (73.5%)

Education level

 No diploma

1687 (1.6%)

 Pre-high school diploma

11,778 (11.3%)

 High-school diploma

17,513 (16.8%)

 Bachelor’s degree

39,281 (37.4%)

 Master’s degree or higher

34,114 (32.7%)

Underlying conditions

 Chronic respiratory disease

8223 (7.9%)


7541 (7.2%)

 Diabetes mellitus

2315 (2.2%)

 Coronary artery disease

578 (0.6%)

COVID-19 vaccination status


40,529 (38.8%)

 1 dose

2294 (2.2%)

 2 doses

26,597 (25.5%)

 3 doses

34,752 (33.3%)

 4 doses

201 (0.2%)

Symptomatic COVID-19

90,371 (86.6%)


 Original strain

3219 (3.1%)


10,625 (10.2%)


916 (0.9%)


10,098 (9.7%)


12,511 (12.0%)


144 (0.1%)


66,860 (64.1%)

Number of household members (median [IQR])

4 [3, 4]


Age – median [IQR] (years)

26 [11–45]


41,245 (39.5%)


91,302 (87.5%)

Isolation overall from the index case

56,415 (54.1%)

Isolation timing

 From symptom onset

18,688 (17.9%)

 From test results

35,278 (33.8%)

 Other timing

2449 (2.4%)

Mitigation measures

 Ventilation (10–15 min at least twice/day)

52,150 (50.0%)


45,310 (43.4%)

 Surface disinfection

41,734 (40.0%)

 Separate bathrooms

21,970 (21.1%)

 Separate meals

40,706 (39.0%)

Relationship of the source case to the index case


48,971 (46.9%)


47,726 (45.7%)


3013 (2.9%)


1462 (1.4%)


3201 (3.1%)

  1. Legend: Online nationwide study conducted in France between October 2020 and May 2022. Doses of COVID-19 vaccine were counted if they occurred at least 14 days before symptom onset (or testing if asymptomatic) for the first dose, or at least 7 days before symptom onset or testing (if asymptomatic) for the second, third or fourth dose