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Table 1 Groups that capture patterns of PrEP use in the quantitative data

From: Persistence in a pharmacist-led, same-day PrEP program in Mississippi: a mixed-methods study



Group 1: Linked to ongoing PrEP care

Clients picked up their initial PrEP prescription and linked to a clinical PrEP provider (i.e., attended their first clinical follow-up) within 105 days of prescription pick-up

Group 2: Linked to ongoing PrEP care after gap in coverage (started, stopped, and re-started PrEP)

Clients picked up their initial PrEP prescription and linked to a PrEP provider after 105 days from their prescription pick-up, causing a gap in PrEP coverage

Group 3: Did not link to ongoing PrEP care (started and stopped PrEP)

Clients picked up their initial PrEP prescription but did not link to a clinical PrEP provider, leading to a stoppage in PrEP

Group 4: Never Started PrEP

Clients did not fill their initial PrEP prescription