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Table 1 Steps to Intervention Mapping for Adapt EBIs

From: Using the intervention mapping for adaption framework to adapt an evidence-based sexual health intervention for youth affected by trauma

Intervention Mapping Step


Step 1: Assess needs

Describe the problem and organizational capacity. Develop a logic model and program goals.

Step 2: Search for EBIs

Search for evidence-based interventions that address the health behavior among the priority population

Step 3: Assess fit and plan adaptions

Assess intervention behavioral and environmental fit, determinants of change, delivery, design, and cultural appropriateness.

Step 4: Make adaptions

Adapt intervention materials and assessment tools

Step 5: Plan for implementation

Identify implementation sites, develop facilitation scope, train facilitators, and plan implementation logistics

Step 6: Plan for evaluation

Develop evaluation tools and evaluation design including the data collection protocol, analysis and reporting