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Table 1 Baseline characteristics according to categories of total aerobic physical activitya

From: Aerobic, muscle-strengthening, and flexibility physical activity and risks of all-cause and cause-specific mortality: a population-based prospective cohort of Korean adults


Total aerobic physical activity (including walking; IPAQ guideline)b




(n = 13,764)

(n = 11,622)

(n = 8,993)


N (Percentage c )


5,236 (38.0)

4,774 (41.1)

4,694 (52.2)

Age, years



7,384 (53.7)

6,494 (55.9)

5,036 (56.0)


2,586 (18.8)

2,030 (17.5)

1,918 (21.3)


2,115 (15.4)

1,822 (15.7)

1,386 (15.4)

 ≥ 70

1,679 (12.2)

1,276 (11.0)

653 (7.3)

Region d



6,070 (44.1)

5,642 (48.6)

3,850 (42.8)


4,844 (35.2)

4,006 (34.5)

3,071 (34.2)


2,850 (20.7)

1,974 (17.0)

2,072 (23.0)

Education attainment


 Lower than high school

5,118 (37.2)

3,665 (31.5)

2,934 (32.6)

 High school

4,548 (33.0)

3,992 (34.4)

3,605 (40.1)

 College or higher

4,098 (29.8)

3,965 (34.1)

2,454 (27.3)



 Nonphysical labor

2,899 (21.1)

2,852 (24.5)

1,647 (18.3)

 Physical labor

5,201 (37.8)

3,972 (34.2)

4,648 (51.7)


5,664 (41.2)

4,798 (41.3)

2,698 (30.0)

Household income


 Quartile 1

2,609 (19.0)

2,002 (17.2)

1,377 (15.3)

 Quartile 2

3,568 (25.9)

2,828 (24.3)

2,323 (25.8)

 Quartile 3

3,765 (27.4)

3,178 (27.3)

2,493 (27.7)

 Quartile 4

3,611 (26.2)

3,440 (29.6)

2,678 (29.8)


211 (1.5)

174 (1.5)

122 (1.4)

Marital status



10,343 (75.2)

8,299 (71.4)

6,671 (74.2)

 Never married

1,591 (11.6)

2,010 (17.3)

1,491 (16.6)


1,830 (13.3)

1,313 (11.3)

831 (9.2)

Smoking status



8,849 (64.3)

7,445 (64.1)

4,893 (54.4)


2,015 (14.6)

1,886 (16.2)

1,788 (19.9)


2,900 (21.1)

2,291 (19.7)

2,312 (25.7)

Alcohol drinking



4,053 (29.5)

3,107 (26.7)

1,966 (21.9)

 1 time/month

4,091 (29.7)

3,507 (30.2)

2,446 (27.2)

 ≥ 2 times/month

5,620 (40.8)

5,008 (43.1)

4,581 (50.9)

Body Mass Index, kg/m 2


 < 18.5

683 (5.0)

539 (4.6)

295 (3.3)


8,735 (63.5)

7,526 (64.8)

5,688 (63.3)

 ≥ 25.0

4,346 (31.6)

3,557 (30.6)

3,010 (33.5)

Self-rated health



4,196 (30.5)

4,492 (38.7)

4,086 (45.4)


6,708 (48.7)

4,996 (43.0)

3,402 (37.8)


2,860 (20.8)

2,134 (18.4)

1,505 (16.7)

Walking, h/wk



4,399 (32.0)

247 (2.1)

430 (4.8)


6,859 (49.8)

2,285 (19.7)

1,357 (15.1)


1,696 (12.3)

4,193 (36.1)

1,651 (18.4)


610 (4.4)

3,382 (29.1)

1,918 (21.3)

 ≥ 10.0

200 (1.5)

1,515 (13.0)

3,637 (40.4)

Muscle-strengthening physical activity, d/wk



11,565 (84.0)

8,438 (72.6)

5,318 (59.1)


754 (5.5)

761 (6.6)

580 (6.5)


629 (4.6)

786 (6.8)

689 (7.7)


507 (3.7)

930 (8.0)

1,339 (14.9)

 ≥ 5

309 (2.2)

707 (6.1)

1,067 (11.9)

Flexibility physical activity, d/wk



7,945 (57.7)

5,001 (43.0)

3,216 (35.8)


1,550 (11.3)

1,043 (9.0)

630 (7.0)


1,486 (10.8)

1,440 (12.4)

891 (9.9)


1,593 (11.6)

2,031 (17.5)

1,933 (21.5)

 ≥ 5

1,190 (8.7)

2,107 (18.1)

2,323 (25.8)

  1. Abbreviations:
  2. IPAQ, International Physical Activity Questionnaire
  3. a When there were less than 1% of missing data, values were imputed with the most frequent categories: education attainment (0.15%, n = 50), marital status (0.29%, n = 101), smoking status (0.04%, n = 13), alcohol drinking (0.24%, n = 82), body mass index (0.27% n = 92), and self-reported health (0.12%, n = 42). Those with missing information on occupation status (0.53%, n = 181) were combined into the “unemployed/homemakers/students/others” category.
  4. b The “high” category of total aerobic activity included participants with ≥ 3 days of vigorous-intensity activity achieving total aerobic activity of ≥ 25 MET-h/wk; or ≥ 7 days of any combination of walking, moderate-intensity, or vigorous-intensity activities achieving total aerobic physical activity of ≥ 50 MET-h/wk. The “moderate” category included participants who satisfied at least one of the following 3 criteria: (1) ≥ 3 days of vigorous-intensity activity of at least 20 min/d; (2) ≥ 5 days of moderate-intensity activity and/or walking of at least 30 min/d; or (3) ≥ 5 days of any combination of walking, moderate-intensity, or vigorous-intensity activities achieving total aerobic physical activity of ≥ 10 MET-h/wk. The “low” category included participants who were not meeting criteria for “moderate” and “high” categories.
  5. c Values may not sum to 100% due to rounding.
  6. d Metropolitan includes Seoul capital city and 6 other metropolitan cities (Busan, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Daejeon, and Ulsan). Urban and rural are defined by the legal distribution of submunicipal level divisions based on the size of area and population (urban; ‘Dong’, rural; ‘Eup/Myeon’).