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Table 2 Interview Guide

From: Closing the gap between screening and depression prevention: a qualitative study on barriers and facilitators from the perspective of public health professionals in a school-based prevention approach


Participant characteristics:

 • What is your profession?

 • What is your educational background?

 • How many years have you been working in this profession?

 • How many years have you been screening for depressive and suicidal symptoms?

 • Was your educational background sufficient for conducting the screening and prevention referral process?

Experience in general:

 • What is your experience with the process of screening and prevention referral?

Experience with personal interview and communication with parents:

 • What is your experience with discussing depressive and suicidal symptoms with adolescents during a personal interview?

  • What is going well?

  • What do you find challenging?

  • What would you recommend (e.g., knowledge, skills or organizational conditions) to meet the challenges?

 • What is your experience with communication with parents after the personal interview?

  • What is going well?

  • What do you find challenging?

  • What would you recommend (e.g., knowledge, skills or organizational conditions) to meet the challenges?

 • What is your experience with depression prevention referral?

  • What is going well?

  • What do you find challenging?

  • What would you recommend (e.g., knowledge, skills or organizational conditions) to meet the challenges?

  • How do you think participation in preventive intervention can be increased?