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Table 1 Analytic questions framed according to what participants were discussing

From: Considerations for the design of overdose education and naloxone distribution interventions: results of a multi-stakeholder workshop


Opioid Overdose

• Who should be distributing naloxone and training lay users?

• What are barriers to distribution?

• Why is naloxone not like other more mainstream medications?

• How should naloxone be distributed?

• How much naloxone is enough?

• How is naloxone being administered?

• When naloxone is used, what ensues?

• Who is at risk?

• Who needs overdose response preparation?

• What does an overdose look like?

• What are barriers to responding?

• Where do overdoses occur?

• Why do people not intervene?

• Why do people overdose?

• Why is the overdose landscape changing?

• How does the general public characterize opioid overdose? How do healthcare providers characterize it?

• How is overdose care and education provided?