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Table 2 Descriptive statistics of cumulative experience of violence at the age of 30 and 43 in total sample and in women and men separately

From: The relationship between interpersonal violence in adulthood and mental health: a longitudinal study based on the Northern Swedish Cohort


Total sample



Cumulative experience of violence


Threat of violence; n/N (%)


Experienced either at 30 or 42

106/962 (11.0)

52/469 (11.1)

54/493 (11.0)

Experienced both at 30 and 42

13/962 (1.4)

5/469 (1.1)

8/493 (1.6)

Physical violence; n/N (%)


Experienced either at 30 or 42

78/956 (8.2)

38/465 (8.2)

40/491 (8.1)

Experienced both at 30 and 42

9/956 (0.9)

3/465 (0.6)

6/491 (1.2)

Any violence; n/N (%)


Experienced either at 30 or 43

134/954 (14.0)

68/465 (14.6)

66/490 (13.5)

Experienced both at 30 and 43

21/954 (2.2)

8/465 (1.7)

12/490 (2.7)