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Table 3 Summary of Vaccination Influences by Level of the Socio-Ecological Model: Subthemes and Exemplar Quotes

From: Reaching late adopters: factors influencing COVID-19 vaccination of Marshallese and Hispanic adults

Socio-Ecological Model Level


Exemplary Quote


Myths and misconceptions

“People who want to twist the information, to say things that aren’t true. They say they’re going to insert a chip, it’s the devil, things like that they invent, right?” (34 y/o Hispanic female)


Protecting family and family decision-making

“Because of this disease, my husband has lost many relatives to COVID. We made the decision of getting vaccinated, because there are many people infected and we need to get a little protected.” (54 y/o Hispanic female)


Trust of community location of events

“I would say it’s better [at community location] so we don’t feel embarrassed or get afraid to go somewhere else.” (54 y/o Hispanic female)

Influence of faith-based organization members and leaders

“I heard from our leaders that we must take the vaccine to prevent us [from getting COVID19].” (32 y/o Marshallese male)


Trust in healthcare organization and bilingual staff

“That was one of the most important things for me. Trust and above all, the same language, so that I can understand. And they can understand me, too.” (28 y/o Hispanic female)



“It just seems that it’s going to be mandated eventually along with other vaccines, so I like, might as well.” (30 y/o Hispanic female)