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Table 3 Content analysis of open-ended feedback provided by post-secondary students (n = 110) at the end of the Post-Secondary Student Mental Health Experience Survey

From: Mental health challenges, treatment experiences, and care needs of post-secondary students: a cross-sectional mixed-methods study


Sample Quote

n (%)

Personal strategies


35 (31.82)

 Interpersonal skills

By participating in group activities, we can make many intimate friends and improve our interpersonal skills



To maintain good mental health, we should accumulate life experience, and constantly carry out self-understanding, self-knowledge, and self-realization


 Lifestyle changes

College students must cultivate more interests and hobbies…hobbies and interests can help adjust psychology



Today, too many students do not know how to control themselves, resulting in serious consequences. We must learn to control ourselves and be able to regulate our emotions



Study skills and time management skills may also help the mental health of post-secondary students


 Avoidance behaviours

Avoid college detours and mental health problems


 Crisis management

We should strive to improve the psychological defense mechanism, master the methods to avoid psychological crisis, and actively face life


 Positive mindset

Keep a positive attitude at all times


Mental health education


29 (26.36)

 Formal course

Mental health courses should be treated as formal courses, which should be valued by students and teachers


 Educational content

Teach students to be open-minded and kind to themselves and others


 Expert team

Improve the professional level of mental health teachers


 Importance of education

Mental health education is the most important and direct way for college students to improve their psychological quality and promote their physical and mental health



Mental health is not just a subject for every college student. Many school staff, including students' parents, may also need counseling on mental health. Therefore, diversified courses can be taught in the classroom to involve more people and gradually arouse interest in mental health


Services and support


14 (12.73)

 Counselling and guidance

Students need regular access to counselling covered by their university ($200 for a 50-min session once a week is not something any student can afford)


 Institutional role

I wish mental health and well-being is given more emphasis by faculty members for their fellow students…Mental health should be a top priority among any institution, be it educational or industry!


 Resource information

My university needs to find a new way to inform students about these resources… They send out emails occasionally, but they aren't too great


 Inadequacy of services

Universities provide inadequate support for graduate student mental health specifically… I would much prefer to receive therapy from an external source not associated with the university, but I am unable to do so due to lack of insurance coverage. Graduate students are often forgotten in discussions of mental health




13 (11.82)

 Importance of awareness

The establishment of mental health awareness is a crucial first step. Because mental health knowledge is an essential weapon for college students to improve their self-understanding and achieve self-regulation


 Proactive measures

I think mental health is so important amongst all students. Yes, it can be a challenging topic to discuss but it would be beneficial if we talked about how to cope with mental health even as early as elementary school


 Peer support

Mental health should involve getting to meet with students with the same issues and learning from each other


Survey feedback


11 (10)

 Thanking for survey

Mental health awareness is much needed. Thank you for doing surveys and research in this field


 Suggested changes

I noticed one of the boxes was "prevent mental health disorders.” Mental health disorders can never be prevented, only treated. They can also never be cured in any way; therapy is used to treat it. So could be worded better


Environmental risk factors


5 (4.55)

 Digital and online technology

Mental illness as a whole I feel is a result of the digital age. We are never content, someone always looks better, is doing better, has more money, etc. It leads to feeling extremely unfulfilled by comparison



Mental wellness in post-secondary institutions is a systemic issue. Undergraduate course loads are heavy and fast-paced, graduate/post-doc/prof research is entirely output-driven. Implementation of mental health resources is regarded as separate from academic culture rather than integrated/able into lifestyle balance



I just want to emphasise that the COVID-19 pandemic was unsurprisingly a huge factor in the decline of my mental health throughout post-secondary [school]!


Curriculum restructuring


3 (2.73)

 Time management

Spread out the course workload…Spread out the assessments and make sure that they actually gauge the course understanding…Don't assume students know something or can learn a topic as fast as a professor


 Hardware and software

Strengthen the guarantee of all kinds of hardware and software construction