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Table 3 Associations between the clusters and the perception of loneliness and friendships among the adolescents. PeNSE, Brazil 2015

From: Clustering of physical activity, sedentary behavior, and diet associated with social isolation among brazilian adolescents


Perceived loneliness

(n = 98,485)


(n = 97,898)





OR (95% CI)

OR (95% CI)

OR (95% CI)

OR (95% CI)







 Health-promoting SB and diet

0.50 (0.46—0.55)

0.69 (0.62—0.76)

0.89 (0.76—1.03)

0.86 (0.74—1.02)

 Health-promoting PA and diet

0.50 (0.46—0.55)

0.73 (0.67—0.79)

1.23 (1.04—1.45)

1.19 (1.002—1.41)

  1. OR Odds Ratio, 95% CI 95% Confidence Interval; Estimates were weighted according to the sampling design; aAdjusted for sex, skin color, age, live with mother, live with father, mother's schooling, residents of the house, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, drugs, physically aggression by an adult at home, involved in a fight with a firearm, involved in a fight with a melee weapon, suffered physical aggression, got involved in a fight, body satisfaction, health perception, type of school. bAdjusted for sex, skin color, age, live with mother, live with father, mother's schooling, residents of the house, cigarette smoking, drugs, physically aggression by an adult at home, involved in a fight with a firearm, involved in a fight with a melee weapon, suffered physical aggression, got involved in a fight, body satisfaction, health perception, computer at home, internet at home, full school, boarding school, have a cell phone, type of school