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Table 3 Results from peer-reviewed literature searches, showing the efforts under the different Sustainable Development Goals

From: Efforts to address the Sustainable Development Goals in older populations: a scoping review

Authors (Year)

Study Design (Level of Initiative)



Devarajan, Prabhakaran, and Goenka (2019) [29]

Non-systematic review of the peer-reviewed and grey literature, with recommendations focused on developing countries.



SDG 10

SDG 11

Recommendations (ambitions) for countries to ensure mobility and dignity of older adults by:

• Introducing heat defences that allow walkability for all ages.

• Increasing availability of green spaces (connected to target 11.7).

• Introducing pedestrian paths that consider age and disability in their design.

Mihnovits and Nisos, (2016) [30]

Non-systematic review of age-based policy frameworks (for housing indicators used to measure housing criteria for older people) and recommendations for housing-specific indicators.


SDG 11

To capture age-friendly housing, indicators outlined below can be used:

• Population by type of living quarters.

• Proportion of people who did not have enough money to provide adequate shelter or housing.

• Population with access to improved water sources, sanitation facilities, and electricity.

• Household in housing units by the type of tenure.

• Proportion of people who feel safe in their local area.

(The indicators capture qualities under target 11.1).

  1. Abbreviations: SDG = Sustainable Development Goal (related to the effort)