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Table 1 M-PAC components and behavioral change techniques involved in the FMSPPOC

From: A school-family blended multi-component physical activity program for Fundamental Motor Skills Promotion Program for Obese Children (FMSPPOC): protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial



Target objects

M-PAC components

Behavioral change techniques (BCT) addressed


Briefing sessions & Education materials

Week 1, 2, 12 & 13

Parents and children

Perceived capability;

Instrumental attitude;

Perceived opportunity;

Affective attitude

- Instruction on how to perform a behavior (4.1)

- Information about health consequences (5.1)

- Information about social and environmental consequences (5.3 & 5.6)

- Information on others’ approval (6.3)

- Restructuring the physical environment (12.1)

- Prompts/cues (7.1)

- Feedback on behavior (2.2)

Introducing the benefits of participating in PA regularly, and the negative consequences of physical inactive; Introducing the importance of FMSs, especially for obese children; Introducing the feasible and pragmatic approaches (e.g., PA) to develop FMSs; Introducing the nature and content of the FMSPPOC program

School-based PA sessions delivered by PE teachers

Week 1–12


Perceived capability;

Instrumental attitude;

Perceived opportunity;

Affective attitude

- Instruction on how to perform a behavior (4.1)

- Behavioral practice (8.1)

- Feedback on behavior (2.2)

- Verbal persuasion (15.1)

- Social comparison (6.2)

- Prompts/cues (7.1)

PE teachers will teach participants how to play the ball games, guide them to practice, and provide them with immediate feedback; Participants will learn and practice the PA sessions; Group activities will be implemented during the PA sessions; PE teachers and peers will provide verbal encouragement; A weekly peer role model will be selected by participants and teachers

Family-based PA assignments completed by both parents and children

Week 1–12

Parents, children, and other social networks

Perceived opportunity;

Affective attitude;

Behavioral regulation

- Restructuring the physical environment (12.1)

- Prompts/cues (7.1)

- Behavioral practice (8.1)

- Feedback on behavior (2.2)

- Practical support (3.2)

- Emotional support (3.3)

- Problem solving (1.2)

- Action planning (1.4)

- Goal setting (behavior) (1.1)

- Self-monitoring of behavior (2.3)

Parents will be taught how to establish a favorable PA environment at home; Parent–child co-activity will be implemented; Parents will be asked to provide their child/children with verbal encouragement; A short-term goal and a long-term goal will be set; Incentive will be provided based on the engagement of family-based PA assignment; Ranking games will be implemented; Parents will be asked to monitor the child/children’s PA performance and upload on the website

Online and offline workshops

Week 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 & 24

Parents and children

Perceived capability;

Instrumental attitude;

Perceived opportunity;

Affective attitude;

Behavioral regulation;



- Information about health consequences (5.1)

- Information about social and environmental consequences (5.3 & 5.6)

- Information on others’ approval

- Behavioral practice (8.1)

- Feedback on behavior (2.2)

- Problem solving (1.2)

- Review about goals (1.5)

- Self-monitoring of behavior (2.3)

- Behavioral substitution (8.2)

- Habit formation (8.3)

- Unspecified support (3.1)

- Practical support (3.2)

- Emotional support (3.3)

- Prompts/cues (7.1)

Relevant knowledge such as long-term development of FMSs, benefits and consequences of healthy lifestyles, and potential risks of FMSs development will be delivered; Acute PA practice will be implemented; Problems will be discussed during the workshops and solutions will be confirmed by experts, PE teachers, parents and child/children on consensus; Feedback on behaviors and goals will be provided by PE teachers, experts and parents; Values and meaning of the activity as well as other tactics (e.g., visual and tactile symbols) of the new identity will be emphasized