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Table 4 Vaccination experiences and opinions

From: “If people are hesitant at all, you just want a really big front door”: a rapid qualitative interview study on the Luton COVID-19 vaccination outreach clinics

Quote number

Supporting quote


Quote 18

“The people that were running them were very professional and getting things done very quickly and very swiftly”

Service user, female

Quote 19

“When I had my first jab, I found it so emotional because it’s the next step to opening up, it’s the new normal coming, you know”

Service user, female

Quote 20

“Me personally, I’ve taken the jab myself and, in my experience, its saved my life, to tell you the truth but if you didn’t, you’ve got problems. If you don’t get it, you are like a loose cannon”

Community representative, male

Quote 21

“I think some of the side effects hasn’t helped in recent times, and I think that kind of spreads a rumour mill. I know I was aware of one person that turned up today and, when they found it was AstraZeneca, they went away”

Volunteer, female

Quote 22

“And if people are hesitant at all, you just want a really big front door, and it makes the door … the front door very big that way. Because the booking is quite narrow really, and it’s fine if you fit. But, I guess, if you’re nervous or you’ve got questions, or you’re busy, or any of those things, it can be really difficult”

Volunteer, female

Quote 23

“It made me think about whether it was a safe place for them to not be okay. If they fainted or something at the mosque it was like they were amongst friends, so they knew they would be well cared for. I didn’t know whether that was one of the things that would have stopped them from going to a big mass vaccine centre where they didn’t know people”

Health professional, female

Quote 24

“I think it was that whole buzz of a different project and a different way of doing it and how would it go. Obviously, there’s a bit of anxiety there because you haven’t got the same support around you either. You do worry”

Health professional, female

Quote 25

“It felt like giving everybody a gift because it was a bonus to what … nobody had great expectations around it, but it did feel like every vaccine we gave was a gift. It was like being Santa. People were so grateful”

Health professional, female

Quote 26

“I think we need to be a bit more flexible about the hours that we do. Don’t do 10:00 to 4:00 but maybe on the Friday we do 12:00 to 7:00 as we did in the previous one for the static sites”

Health professional, female

Quote 27

“I think because we have managed the buses successfully there’s perhaps starting to be a bit of perception from other parts of the country that this is a pick up a bus, drop and go, and it can be underestimated the amount of planning and operations that are required”

Health professional, female

Quote 28

“Every one person that you capture that is really vulnerable makes such a difference. It’s really powerful story, so it is understanding all those stories”

Health professional, female

Quote 29

“So, I actually think taking the health service to the patient, not the patient to the health service, is the way forward and we’ve got to think about that”

Strategic group, male

Quote 30

“We’ve got to cut through – excuse my language – the red tape and the bureaucracy and I think we must not go back to the old world because otherwise, we’re letting our patients down, our population down, that’s what I would say, as a key challenge”

Strategic group, male

Quote 31

“So, I think there’s a challenge there for us about who really are the community leaders, who are the people the community does actually respond to, and it might not be the ones we historically thought they were”

Strategic group, male

Quote 32

“It really is about getting that communication right and I think it’s more about boots on the ground, you know, it’s kissing the babies, as you would in the old days, but I think that’s what it’s about, really going out and engaging”

Strategic group, female