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Table 2 Personal plans participants' answers

From: COVID-19 and the elaboration of personal plans in + 50: a Brazilian experience


Participant’s Answers

Intellectual Development

“My biggest wish is to graduate, wear the graduation robe and to attain a college degree[…]”

Health and Willingness

“[…] Change my way of life, eat better, doing more exercises.”; “Taking better care of health.”

Emotional Balance

“worry more about myself and less about others.”; “I want to be more coherent […]”; "Realising my internal transformation; accepting myself as I really am […]”

Financial Resources

“[…] planning to return to work as a career for the elderly.”; “regulate financial situation.”

Social Service

“[…] Even as a volunteer I want to work.”; “Helping my fellow man”

Purpose and Fulfilment

“[…] Opportunity to work in the area of seniors, if possible, improving myself in this area.”; “I want to work too. I don’t want to stand still.”; “I’m retired but I still want to work. I still have a future.”; “Become independent; to get professional”

Creativity, Hobbies and Fun

“[…] Having fun, dancing, traveling and a lot of recreation.”; “[…] keep travelling a lot”; “[…] Travel, more still as long as the legs hold out.”

Happiness and Feeling of Fullness

“To continue as I am, taking care of myself, with joy and happiness.”; “Enjoying the fruits of what has been achieved.”


“Peace.”; “Thanking God for every minute of my day”

Social Life

“To relate better with people; to enjoy life with more lightness and be able to celebrate more with people; to learn and pass a little of my experience to other people.”

Loving Relationship

“Get married and be happy”; “[…] getting a good mate for a good relationship.”


“[…] enjoy my daughters”; ‘To be a very present grandfather at the family level.”