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Table 1 Definitions adopted in the wheel of life construction, are based on the answers about the participants’ personal plans

From: COVID-19 and the elaboration of personal plans in + 50: a Brazilian experience

Main Aspect



Personal Sphere

Intellectual Development

Investment in Intellectual growth, learning, experiences, studies and increasing knowledge. This included learning not only for professional development but also for growth in maturity

Health and Willingness

Personal care related to mental and physical health and gains of energy, mood, motivation, and vitality

Emotional Balance

Plans related to changing the ways to deal with challenges, conflicts, insecurities, adverse situations, emotional management, and decision-making processes

Professional Sphere

Financial Resources

Improving financial resources to provide basic living conditions, payment of bills and acquisition of certain products and services. These are the factors related to financial satisfaction as a whole

Social Service

Actions that help change Society such as community and social works and voluntary jobs

Purpose and Fulfilment

Plans related to achieving professional realization and the true reason of being the personal mission

Life Quality

Creativity, Hobbies and Fun

Planning towards moments of recreation, relaxation, fun and rest for the body and mind as well as activities to recharge batteries, touch their own creativity and to eliminate negative charges

Happiness and Feeling of Fullness

Plans related to the feelings of joy, happiness, enjoyment and experiencing positive moments


Related to spiritual growth and religious beliefs and activities


Social Life

Is related to the ability to connect with different kinds of people and to interact friendly with others

Loving Relationship

Concerning relationships with significant others, emotions that identify your true level of loving commitment and building positive relationships


Relationships with and aspects related to members of the family

  1. Source: Own Authorship