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Table 2 Challenges and proposed solutions for climate and health activity implementation identified by study participants

From: Barriers and facilitators to state public health agency climate and health action: a qualitative assessment

Implementation challenges

Proposed solutions


Support from external organizations on identifying viable and sustainable funding sources. Expanded federal programs to support state and local-level climate and health programs

State and agency-level prioritization of climate and health

Advocacy at the national level from organizations like the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), ASTHO, etc. to raise the profile of climate as an urgent issue

Normalize inclusion of public health in climate related work

Engage leaders in conversations early

Adopt a “climate in all policies” approach

Political will and polarization

Advocacy at the national level from organizations like NACCHO, ASTHO, etc

Staff capability and capacity

Consider agency restructuring to better accommodate and support activities

Develop guides to identify engagement strategies and outline responsibilities of different agencies in climate activities

Academic partnerships specifically tailored towards collection, analysis, dissemination of data, and training to enhance expertise