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Table 3 Subjective health and smoking status stratified by belonging to one of the two parental clusters

From: Complexity and interplay of faced adversities and perceived health and well-being in highly vulnerable pregnant women—the Mothers of Rotterdam program


Cluster 1

Cluster 2

Subjective health

N = 130

N = 144

 EQ5D-score (median, IQR)

51.0 (38.0–69.3)

54.5 (35.4–75.8)


N = 171

N = 197

 Active smoking

29 (17,0)

27 (13,7)

 Passive smoking (i.e. secondhand)

59 (34,5)

58 (29,4)

  1. Data are expressed as median (and interquartile range;IQR) or frequencies (and percentages)