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Table 5 Phrases coded under strategies

From: To what extent do Australian child and youth health, and education wellbeing policies, address the social determinants of health and health equity?: a policy analysis study


Phrase from policy

Health Services

‘Trialling sites with innovative service delivery models that integrate face-to-face and telehealth consultations, digital interventions, and phone helplines’

(National Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2021); ‘Increase the use of the clinical prioritisation criteria when referring into the Queensland public hospital system’ (A great start for our children: Statewide plan for children and young people’s health services to 2026 (QLD); ‘Expansion and improved access to mental health services in urban, regional and remote areas’ (The Best Opportunities in Life: Northern Territory Child and Adolescent Health and Wellbeing Strategic Plan 2018–2028)

Cross Sector Activity

‘NSW Health will strengthen relationships with other health services and cross sector partners to provide integrated and coordinated care’. (NSW Youth Health Framework 2017–24)

Policy Development and Governance

‘Develop and implement an ACT Government school food and drink policy with supporting guidelines that will mandate the implementation of the National Healthy School Canteen Guidelines in all ACT schools’ (Towards Zero Growth: Healthy Weight Action Plan 2013)

Social Determinants of Health

‘Promote safe inclusive community environments that allow children and young people to play, explore, grow and have experiences that promote positive development’ (The ACT Children and Young People’s Commitment 2015–2025);

‘Restrict the advertising of unhealthy foods within the government’s regulatory control … there is a particular need to address marketing directed at children in close proximity to schools, playgrounds and child care centres’ (Towards Zero Growth: Healthy Weight Action Plan 2013); ‘Develop approaches to increase access to and provision of fresh fruit and vegetables to remote communities and among populations experiencing disadvantage’ (National Action Plan for Health of Children and Young People 2020–2030); ‘(provide) free sanitary items for all government schools for students in need’ (It takes a Tasmanian Village: Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy (2021).

‘Promote evidence-based initiatives through the trial of the Housing for Health program’ (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Wellbeing Services Plan 2018–2023 QLD)

Health Promotion and Prevention (Individual)

‘Implement community based healthy lifestyle interventions in disadvantaged communities including addressing alcohol abuse’ (National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009–2020); ‘Improve front-of-pack labelling and support interpretation of label changes with targeted social marketing campaigns’ (NSW Healthy Eating and Active Living Strategy: Preventing overweight and obesity in New South Wales 2013–2018); ‘Distribute targeted promotion and prevention resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and young people’ (ATSI Health and wellbeing services plan Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Wellbeing Services Plan 2018–2023 QLD)