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Table 4 Operational definitions of potential correlates

From: Correlates of co-occurring physical child punishment and physical intimate partner violence in Colombia, Mexico and Peru


Operational definition

Women’s Age

Age group (15–29 years; 30–39 years; and 40–49 years)

Women’s education

Highest level attended (primary or none; ≤ 3 years of lower secondary; > 3 years of upper secondary; any post-secondary)

Household wealth

Wealth terciles (poorest; middle; richest) generated by principal component analysis


Based on National Statistics Office (NSO) definitions

 Colombia and Peru

(1 = urban; 0 = rural)


(1 = urban; 2 = semi-urban; 0 = rural)

Indigenous ethnicity

(1 = indigenous; 0 = not indigenous)


Indigenous by culture, community or physical characteristics, per household questionnaire


Speaks indigenous language, per household questionnaire


Maternal tongue was indigenous, per women’s questionnaire

Married/mother age < 18

(1 = married, cohabited and/or gave birth at age < 18; 0 = did not marry, cohabit or give birth at age < 18)

Number of children

(1 = more than one daughter/son aged 1–14 living in the household; 0 = only one)

Age of youngest child

Age of youngest age-eligible (1–14) daughter/son living in the household in years (1; 2–5; 6–9; 10–14)

Husband/partner tries to socially isolate her (1 = yes; 0 = no)


He has prevented her from meeting friends or tried to limit her contact with her family in the past year


He gets angry if she visits or goes out with friends or family


He prevents her from visiting friends or tries to limit her visits or contact with her family

Husband/partner drinks to excess (1 = yes; 0 = no)


Not measured


She gets mad at her husband/partner because he drinks alcohol or takes drugs


Her partner gets drunk sometimes or frequently

Joint decisions about money (1 = yes; 0 = no)

 Colombia, Peru

She and her husband/partner both have a say in decisions about large purchases and daily necessities


She and her husband/partner each have an equal say in deciding how to spend and save money

She and her husband/partner share responsibility for household chores (1 = yes; 0 = no)


They equally divide responsibility for cleaning the house, cooking or washing


They are both responsible for domestic chores such as cleaning, cooking, ironing and washing


Not measured

She agrees wife-beating is justified for 1+ reason (1 = yes; 0 = no, don’t know or unsure all reasons)

 Colombia and Peru

Agrees with 1+ of the following reasons: 1. she leaves without telling him; 2. she neglects the children; 3. she argues with him; 4. she refuses sex; 5. she burns the food


Not measured

She believes physical punishment is necessary (1 = sometimes or frequently; 0 = no or never)

 Colombia, Mexico

Not measured


She believes physical punishment is necessary for raising a child

Violence in respondent’s childhood (1 = caregiver violence only; 2 = co-occurrence; 3 = IPV only; 0 = none)

Caregiver violence against respondent in childhood (1 = yes; 0 = no)


Her parents or stepparents punished her by spanking/smacking, pushing or beating with objects


People she lived with before age 15 hit her sometimes or often


Her parents punished her by spanking/smacking, beating or burning

Respondent exposed to physical IPV in childhood (1 = yes; 0 = no or doesn’t know)


Her father beat her mother


Adults in her childhood home hit or beat each other sometimes or frequently


Her father ever hit her mother

Violence in husband/partner’s childhood (1 = caregiver violence only; 2 = co-occurrence; 3 = IPV only; 0 = none)

Caregiver violence against husband/partner in childhood (1 = yes; 0 = no or doesn’t know)


He was mistreated/abused ("maltratada") by his parents or stepparents as a child


He was hit or insulted in his childhood household sometimes or often before age 15


Not measured

Husband/partner exposed to physical IPV in childhood (1 = yes; 0 = no or doesn’t know)


His father beat his mother


His mother was hit/beaten by her husband before age 15


Not measured

  1. IPV intimate partner violence