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Table 3 Regression coefficients and confidence intervals of indirect effects from the parallel mediation analysis on SEP (coded 0 for low and 1 for high SEP), frequency of unhealthy snacking behaviour, and life stress, COVID-19 related worry, and snacking because of a special occasion, the opportunity, to replenish energy, to reward oneself, because of social pressure, or to cope with negative emotions as mediators

From: Snacking for a reason: detangling effects of socio-economic position and stress on snacking behaviour


Indirect effect

CI 95%

Life stress


− 0.04; 0.04

COVID-19 related worry

− 0.02

− 0.06; 0.02

Snacking because of.


 …a special occasion


− 0.02; 0.07

 … the opportunity


0.04; 0.14



− 0.00; 0.04

 …a reward


0.02; 0.10

 …social pressure

− 0.00

− 0.01; 0.01

 …negative emotions


− 0.03; 0.04

  1. Note. Coefficients denoted with * are significant with a confidence interval not containing zero