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Table 2 Overall performance of Rural India towards Achievement of SDG 6, 2019-2021

From: India's achievement towards sustainable Development Goal 6 (Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all) in the 2030 Agenda

  1. Sources: Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Ministry of Jal Shakti, January 2021; Swachh Bharat Mission Gramin Dashboard,2020; NARSS round 3, 2019–2020; table computed by author. Notes: Achiever (100%) Front Runner (65%-99%) Performer (50%-64%) Aspirant (0%-49%)
  2. *note
  3. SDG 6.1Population having improved source of drinking water
  4. SDG 6.2Percentage of individual household toilets constructed against target (SBM(G))
  5. SDG 6.2Percentage of districts verified to be ODF (SBM(G))
  6. SDG 6.2The school has a separate toilet for boys & girls (%)
  7. SDG 6. a% of Household Safe Disposal of Liquid waste
  8. SDG 6.4% of blocks/ mandals / taluka having safe groundwater extraction
  9. SDG 6.4% of blocks/ mandals / taluka over-exploited
  10. SDG 6Goal score of the indicator (GSI)