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Table 2 Summary of co-creation related domains and frequency of references

From: Evidence of co-creation practices in suicide prevention in government policy: a directed and summative content analysis

Co-creation Domains

Frequency of References (n=)

Extraction Criteria

NVivo Search Terms

using Boolean “OR” operator

(Truncation used where applicable and with and without hyphens)


Collaboration (n = 637)

Any manifest or latent mention of collaborative partnerships between researchers, service providers and/or service users

Collaboration, collaborative, etc. partnership, “work with”

“The system will be co-designed with a collaborative approach across communities incorporating both lived and professional experience.” (30)


(n = 628)

Any manifest or latent references to Government funding directed towards programs, service providers and service users or acknowledgment of the importance of long-term funding, or evidence of the link between funding and research and evaluation


“Enable long term funding cycles to facilitate consistency, sustainability and quality improvement. “(30)

Stakeholders, including Lived Experience

(n = 408)

Any manifest or latent references to any group or individual who is affected by or can affect the achievement of an organisation’s objectives (Freeman,2001), including policymakers, service providers and/or service users/consumers

Stakeholder, “lived experience”, “peer worker”, “peer workforce”, consumers, carers

“include the wisdom of those with a lived experience into research, policy and service development.” (50).”

Research and Evaluation

(n = 350)

Any manifest or latent references to the planning of research and evaluation of services and programs or acknowledgement of the importance of research and evaluation in improving health and societal outcomes

Research, evaluation

“evaluation is critical for creating a stronger evidence base to drive continuous improvement in suicide prevention policy, services and programs.” (53)

Third Sector Organisations (TSOs) (n = 236)

Any manifest references to Third Sector Organisations, NGO’s or Non-Profit Organisations (NPO) and the role they play in service provision, partnerships with other stakeholders, or participation in research activities

“TSO”, “Third Sector”, “NGO”, “non-government”, “non-profit,” “Not for Profit”

“building stronger partnerships between government and non-government organisations is critical to supporting those at risk of and impacted by suicide.” (34)


(n = 107)

Any manifest or latent references to co-design where stakeholders participate in the design of a new program or product


“innovative co-design approach, more than 2100 people came together either online or in-person to develop ideas and comment on working papers” (39)


(n = 22)

Any manifest references to stakeholders co-producing the design, development, and delivery of services


“government will co-produce policy and services with people with mental illness, their families and carers, and clinicians and other mental health workers” (39)

Co-Creation, Co-Ideation, Co-Implementation, Co-Evaluation

Any manifest or latent references to these terms indicating participation by stakeholders in the research process, whether in part or as a whole (co-creation)

Co-creation, co-ideation, co-evaluation, co-implementation

No Examples Available