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Fig. 6 | BMC Public Health

Fig. 6

From: COVID-19 surveillance in the Flemish school system: development of systematic data collection within the public health school system and descriptive analysis of cases reported between October 2020 and June 2021

Fig. 6

A and B: Number of cases and SARS-COV-2 tests per week in (top) children aged 6–18 and (bottom) people aged 19–80 in the community. Conceptual interpretation of the figures: The figures combine testing volume with test positivity over time and present children and adults separately for their comparison. The X-axes represent tests per week per 100.000 children in the top figure and per 100,000 adults in the bottom figure. Y-axes are confirmed cases per week per 100,000 children in A and adults in B. Calendar time, date/month, is represented with the date in the white squares and is chronologically connected by colored lines. Dates are week end points and colors are similar for the same time periods in adults and children for comparison between graph A and B. Data points in the lower left corner mean a low number of confirmed cases and a low number of tests performed per week per population; right upper corner means high number of confirmed cases and high number of tests performed. Left upper corner means high confirmed case numbers with low testing volume; right lower corner datapoints show that confirmed case count was low, while large number of tests were performed. Over time there is a much larger variation in number of tests performed per population in children compared to adults and tests performed by age group are not correlated in time. In children it is more clear that an increase in tests performed is associated with more confirmed cases in March 2021, while large testing volumes did not catch many confirmed cases in June 2021, at study end

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