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Table 1 Summary of the outcomes, tools and time measurements

From: InterMob: a 24-month randomised controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of an intervention including behavioural change techniques and free transport versus an intervention including air pollution awareness-raising on car use reduction among regular car users living in Grenoble, France



Time measurement











Principal outcome

 Car use reduction (kilometers and modal share)

Sensedoc and/or mobility logbook











Secondary outcomes

 Use of active and sustainable mobility (kilometers and modal share)

Sensedoc and/or mobility logbook











 Minutes of moderate and vigorous physical activity

Sensedoc and/or IPAQ [60]











 Exposure to air pollution









 Carbon footprint related to transport

Calculation based on the travelled kilometers and the mode of transport











 Quality of life

Survey SF-12 [61]











Biometrics survey (size and weight)










 Activity programme

Mobility logbook











 Mobility diagnosis





 Accessibility by public transport and bicycle

Calculation of spatial information through a survey





Calculation of spatial information through a survey




 Socio-demographic information survey





 Socio-demographic follow-up survey










 Psychological constructs survey part 1









 Stage of mobility change

Adapted survey [62]









 Associated mobility habits

Adaptated survey [63]









 Green identity

Survey [64]









 Psychological constructs survey part 2











 Mobility habits

Adapted survey [65]











 Intention towards mobility

Adapted survey [66]











 Mobility self-efficacy

Adapted survey [66]











 Intention implementation towards active mobility

Adapted survey [66]











 Mobility attitudes

Adapted survey [66]











 Perceived risks of COVID-19

Adapted Survey [67]











 Mobility subjectives norms

Adapted survey [66]











 Psychological constructs survey part 3

Adapted survey














 Satisfaction with travel

Adapted survey [68]




 Mobility motivation

Adapted survey [69]




 Psychological constructs survey part 4











 Subjective vitality

Adapted survey [70]











 Tentation and conflict

Adapted survey [71]











 Reach of the intervention

Ratio of contacted people, eligible and enrolled people



 Quality of the implementation

Checklist for every intervention meeting (answered by the programme implementer)




  1. Note. By default, the outcomes were measured by using a survey that was filled in at the beginning of the session. S = Seven-day measurement session (except from S0+ that indicated the first intervention meeting), R = Recruitment and enrolment periods. a indicates that the outcome was measured with a sensor, b indicates that the outcome was measured on a daily basis, c indicates that the outcome was calculated by a member of the research team based on other data