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Table 2 An overview of the stages of the workshops and post-workshop activities undertaken for the co-designing of the intervention

From: A collaborative approach to develop an intervention to strengthen health visitors’ role in prevention of excess weight gain in children

Workshop stages

Workshop (WS) activities

Post workshop activities

Stage 1

Identify priority and potentially modifiable barriers and facilitators

WS 1 and 2

• Spontaneously identify barriers and facilitators of practices that are relevant in the local context

• Assess relevance in the local context of 20 barriers and 10 facilitators that were identified as key findings in a recently completed SR

• Identify barriers that were common to the SR and participants, barriers unique to the SR, and barriers unique to participants

• Identify 20 key barriers from the analyses: this list was used as an input for Stage 1 WS 3

WS 3

• Rating of key barriers (n = 20) in terms of their importance and changeability in the local context

• Identify training and resource needs

• Priority ranking of key barriers: used as an input for the next stage (stage 2) of workshops

• Prepare summary of priority training and resource needs: used as an input for stage 2 workshops

Stage 2

Identify potential solutions

• Identify ideas for interventions considered by participants as potentially helpful

• Categorise proposed ideas for interventions in terms of the target recipient group: HV, parent and service provider organisation

• Select suitable intervention strategy

• Theoretical analysis of HV-level barriers and facilitators

• Identify relevant intervention functions and potentially useful BCTs; operationalise the BCTs; operationalised BCTs were used as inputs for stage 3 workshops

Stage 3

Select BCTs and their mode of delivery

• Rate potentially relevant BCTs for their importance and acceptability in local context

• Identify HVs’ perspectives of (1) relevant topics and activities for an interactive training intervention; and (2) factors that can facilitate/ promote HVs’ participation and enhance their experience of participation

• Select BCTs (and their modes of delivery) assessed as important and acceptable in the local context by participants; combine the selected BCTs into a cohesive, deliverable intervention

• Develop the draft of an interactive face-to-face training intervention

Stage 4

Select feasibility outcomes and methods

• Rate the importance of parameters and the feasibility of the methods to estimate them (they were identified from relevant literature), in the local context

• Select feasibility outcomes (parameters) and methods that could be used for a feasibility study of the intervention

  1. WS workshop, SR systematic review, BCT behaviour change technique