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Table 2 Overview of semi-structured interview questions about participants’ experiences with the Habit Coach app (process evaluation)

From: Study protocol for the description and evaluation of the “Habit Coach” - a longitudinal multicenter mHealth intervention for healthy habit formation in health care professionals



General experiences with app

What are your experiences with the app? Please elaborate.

Experiences with operability of app (e.g., setup)

How do you perceive the operability (e.g., setup of menu) and features of the app?

Experiences with practicability (e.g., work context)

How practicable do you perceive the app during your working routine?

App user behavior

How, how often, when and where do you preferably use the app?

Opinion about personal relevance

As how personally important and relevant do you perceive the app?

Effects of app on health behavior

What effect does the app have on your health behavior? Have you made any changes in your behaviors due to using the app? Please also think about any spontaneous negative events or unintended effects of the app. Please elaborate.