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Table 4 Category: Perception of children’s good health status

From: Loss of ancestral food practices and perception of its effect on children’s health among Inga indigenous grandmothers, Nariño, Colombia

Type of change



Currently the children get sick more than before

Currently, children and mothers in pregnancy consume “scrap” food

“Before, food was very natural. When someone was pregnant, people would eat meat, an animal that had been raised here. Now they eat a lot of “junk” food, sausage, hot dogs, those canned foods. That chicken that comes stored, I don’t know for how many days.” (Grandmother 60 years-6 sons-5 grandsons)

Currently foods have fertilizers or chemicals

Those who consume them get sick, weaken, do not resist diseases, grow rapid but not strong. When they are adults they will have cancer

“In some parts they use a lot of chemicals now. They fumigate so the produce fills out, so it grows. All of that with chemicals. They fumigate the corn now too. The yuca, I see that they learned to use fertilizer with chemicals, and because of that everything is different. The children grow fast, but because of that they are no longer getting old so fast. Why? Because we are eating with chemicals. Everything is with chemicals. Even we are eating chemicals.” (Grandmother 59 years-1 sons-2 grandsons)