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Table 5 Early childhood development index score for children aged 36–59 months in Dhanusha district

From: Feeding, caregiving practices, and developmental delay among children under five in lowland Nepal: a community-based cross-sectional survey


n (%)

Participate in early childhood education (attending playgroup/ community childcare) (N = 717)


527 (73.5)


190 (26.5)

Early childhood development index (ECDI)

Children on track in (N = 721)

 Literacy-numeracy domain (can count to 5 and say four simple words)


346 (48)


375 (52)

 Physical domain (pick up a small object with two fingers and is not too sick to play)


363 (50.4)


358 (49.7)

 Socio-emotional domain (gets along with others/ does not kick or bite/ not distracted)


520 (72.1)


201 (27.9)

 Learning domain (follows simple directions and can do something independently)


42 (5.8)


679 (94.2)

 On track in at least 3 of 4 domains


444 (61.6)


277 (38.4)