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Table 1 Sociodemographic characteristics of adolescents and parents

From: Health-related quality of life, health literacy and COVID-19-related worries of 16- to 17-year-old adolescents and parents one year into the pandemic: a cross-sectional study

Adolescent characteristics

Total (N = 215)

Boys (n = 66)

Girls (n = 149)


Age, median (min, max)

16.0 (16.0, 18.0)

16.0 (16.0, 18.0)

16.0 (16.0, 18.0)


Adult members of the household, N (%) a



 Both parents

154 (71.6)

48 (72.7)

106 (71.1)


 Alternates between two parents

32 (14.9)

10 (15.2)

22 (14.8)


 One parent and/or other caregivers

29 (13.5)

8 (12.1)

21 (14.1)


Parent characteristics

Total (N = 320)

Men (n = 62)

Women (n = 258)


Age, mean (SD)

47.6 (4.6)

49.1 (4.8)

47.2 (4.5)


Marital status, N (%) b




252 (78.8)

47 (75.8)

205 (79.5)



68 (21.3)

15 (24.2)

53 (20.5)


Education level, N (%) c



  ≤ 12 years and/or certificate of apprenticeship

61 (19.1)

9 (14.5)

52 (20.2)


 13–15 years (<  4 years of higher education)

73 (22.8)

16 (25.8)

57 (22.1)


  ≥ 16 years (≥ 4 years of higher education)

186 (58.1)

37 (59.7)

149 (57.8)


Work status, N (%) d

 Yes, full time

250 (78.1)

59 (95.2)

191 (74.0)


 Yes, part time

42 (13.1)

1 (1.6)

41 (15.9)


 No, not employed

28 (8.8)

2 (3.2)

26 (10.1)


Household income, N (%) d, e

  ≤ 450,000 NOK/year

19 (5.9)

1 (1.6)

18 (7.0)


 451,000–750,000 NOK/year

50 (15.6)

8 (12.9)

42 (16.3)


 751,000–1,000,000 NOK/year

63 (19.7)

5 (8.1)

58 (22.5)


  > 1,000,000 NOK/year

188 (58.8)

48 (77.4)

140 (54.3)

  1. Continuous variables analyzed using an independent t-test and Mann–Whitney U test. Categorical variables analyzed with χ2-test
  2. P-values marked with bold print indicate statistically significant differences between gender (P ≤ 0.05)
  3. SD Standard deviation
  4. aThe variable was recoded into three categories: “Both parents,” “Alternates between two parents” and “One parent and/or other caregivers” (one parent and one step-parent, one parent, other caregivers)
  5. bThe variable was dichotomized as “Married/cohabitant” or “Single/divorced” (single, divorced, widowed)
  6. cThe variable was recoded into three categories: “≤ 12 years and/or certificate of apprenticeship” (9 years, 10–11 years, 12 years, certificate of apprenticeship), “13–15 years (< 4 years of higher education)” and “≥ 16 years (≥ 4 years of higher education)”
  7. dAssumptions for chi-square analysis were not fulfilled. Associations between pairs of variables were not assessed
  8. eThe variable was recoded into four categories: “≤ 450,000 NOK/year” (< 250,000 NOK/year and 250,000–450,000 NOK/year), “451,000–750,000 NOK/year,” “751,000–1,000,000 NOK/year” and “> 1,000,000 NOK/year”