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Table 2 Characteristics of the enabling factors of the Chinese aged 50 to 75 who were eligible for colorectal cancer screening (N = 1317)

From: Identifying the factors promoting colorectal cancer screening uptake in Hong Kong using Andersen’s behavioural model of health services use


Mean (SD) / n (%)

Enabling factors

 Monthly household income (HK$)

   < 10,000

727 (55.2%)

  10,000 – 19,999

190 (14.4%)

  20,000 – 29,999

137 (10.4%)

   ≥ 30,000

263 (20.0%)

 Have health insurance


904 (68.6%)


413 (31.4%)

Health practice

 Have regular primary care service provider


450 (34.2%)


867 (65.8%)

 CRC cancer screening accessible at your primary care service provider


928 (70.5%)


389 (29.5%)

 Number of times visiting a doctor in the past year


250 (19.0%)


330 (25.1%)


354 (26.9%)

   ≥ 5

383 (29.1%)

 Had ever undergone other cancer screenings except CRC


908 (68.9%)


409 (31.1%)

Utilization of complementary therapies

 Use of acupuncture

  Not at all/ a little

1063 (80.7%)


174 (13.2%)

  Often/ always

80 (6.1%)

 Use of cupping

  Not at all/ a little

1152 (87.5%)


123 (9.3%)

  Often/ always

42 (3.2%)

 Use of Chinese herbal medicine

  Not at all/ a little

886 (67.3%)


320 (24.3%)

  Often/ always

111 (8.4%)

 Use of bonesetting

  Not at all/ a little

1157 (87.9%)


133 (10.1%)

  Often/ always

27 (2.1%)

 Use of tuina (Chinese massage)

  Not at all/ a little

983 (74.6%)


232 (17.6%)

  Often/ always

102 (7.7%)

CRC screening-related information acquisition:

 Do you know there is government subsidy from CRC screening programme


267 (20.3%)


1050 (79.7%)

 Had ever used the government subsidy for CRC screening


885 (67.2%)


432 (32.8%)

 Had ever received information about cancer prevention and screening from community centres


1045 (79.3%)


272 (20.7%)

 Had ever received information about cancer prevention and screening from media


353 (26.8%)


964 (73.2%)

  Had ever received information about cancer prevention and screening from booklets


955 (72.5%)


362 (27.5%)

 Had ever received information about cancer prevention and screening from promotion video


551 (41.8%)


766 (58.2%)

 Had ever received information about cancer prevention and screening from health talks


1038 (78.8%)


279 (21.2%)

Prompt to have a CRC screening

 Had ever prompted by doctor to have a CRC screening


767 (58.2%)


550 (41.8%)

 Had ever prompted by nurse to have a CRC screening


1086 (82.5%)


231 (17.5%)

 Had ever prompted by friend to have a CRC screening


1029 (78.1%)


288 (21.9%)

 Had ever prompted by family to have a CRC screening


923 (70.1%)


394 (29.9%)

  1. Data are presented as frequency (%)