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Table 2 Variables included in the combined dataset for KAIS 2007, KAIS 2012 and KENPHIA 2018

From: Methods for conducting trends analysis: roadmap for comparing outcomes from three national HIV Population-based household surveys in Kenya (2007, 2012, and 2018)






Combined dataset


 Tested in the past year

Created by using the variables q612 and q612

Created by recoding the variable hivtest_year


 1 = "Yes"; 0 = "No"


Age of respondent (5-year age ands)

Recoded the numeric variable Q103

Used the 10 category agecat5

Recoded the categorical variable agegroup

0 = “0–14”; 1 = “15–19”; 2 = “20–24”; 3 = “25–29”; 4 = “30–34”; 5 = “35–39”; 6 = “40–44”; 7 = “45–49”; 8 = “50–54”; 9 = “55–59”; 10 = “60–64”; 11 = “65 + ”;


Sex of the respondent

Used the variable sex as provide in the dataset

Used the variable sex as provide in the dataset

Used the variable Sex as provide in the dataset

1 = “Male”; 2 = “Female”


Place of residence

Recoded the categorical variable QRESID

Recoded the categorical variable qresid

Renamed the variable urban

1 = “Urban”; 2 = “Rural”


Level of education

Create from q104 and q105

Create from q103 and q104

Used the variable SCHLAT

1 = “No education”; 2 = “Primary”; 3 = “Secondary + ”


Marital status

Recoded the categorical variable MARITAL1

Recoded the categorical variable marital3

Used the variables evermar and curmar create the marital status variable

1 = “Never married”; 2 = “Separated/Divorced/Widowed” 3 = “Married/Living together”


Wealth index

Used the variable WLTHIND5

Used the variable windex5

Used the variable wealthquintile

1 = “Poorest”; 2 = "Poorer”; 3 = “Middle”; 4 = "Richer”; 5 = “Richest”


Year of survey

Created the variable, setting survey year to all respondents

Created the variable, setting survey year to all respondents

Created the variable, setting survey year to all respondents

1 = “2007”; 2 = “2012”; 3 = “2018”


Age at first sex (in years)

Used the variable eversex and agefirstsex to create the age at first sex variable. The age at first sex for individuals who had not had sex by the date of the survey were rights censored and were treated as their age at that time

Used the variable eversex and agefirstsex to create the age at first sex variable. The age at first sex for individuals who had not had sex by the date of the survey were rights censored and were treated as their age at that time

Used the variable sexever and firstsxage to create the age at first sex variable. The age at first sex for individuals who had not had sex by the date of the survey were rights censored and were treated as their age at that time

Continuous variable


Age at sexual debut

Similar to agefirstsex but used in the assessment of early sexual debut

Created in the same way as in the case of the 2007 survey

Created in the same way as in the case of the 2007 survey

Continuous variable


Censor status

A variable used in the time to event analysis which takes a value if the age1sex is less that 15 years and 0 otherwise

Created in the same way as in the case of the 2007 survey

Created in the same way as in the case of the 2007 survey

1 = “Experienced event”; 0 = “Censored”

  1. Abbreviations: KAIS Kenya AIDS Indicator survey, KENPHIA Kenya Population-based HIV Impact Assessment