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Table 2 Data extraction chart: studies included in the scoping review on the use of digital stories as a health promotion intervention

From: The use of digital stories as a health promotion intervention: a scoping review

Author(s), Year


Setting of Digital Story Screening

Description of the Digital Storytelling Interventiona

Study Design

Theory Used



Carlson et al. (2020)b [33]



Creators: Latino, Spanish-speaking patients with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D)

Viewers: Latino adults diagnosed with T2D living in rural areas (n = 23)

Intervention: Group viewing of digital stories followed by discussion


Social Cognitive Theory and Culture-Centric Narratives in Health Promotion

Qualitative: Observational notes and audio recordings of focus groups

Quantitative: Pre/Post intervention surveys

Qualitative: Sessions rated as highly acceptable, interesting, and useful; Improvements in confidence, motivation, and behavioral intentions for T2D self-management, facilitated discussions may add value to viewing DS

Quantitative: Statistically significant findings reflected in measurements of both ‘motivation for’ (p < 0.01) and ‘confidence in’ T2D self-management (p = 0.02)

Coleman, Ramm, and Cooke (2010) [38]

United Kingdom


Creators: Young people (ages not specified) created digital stories to address the consequences of binge drinking

Viewers: Young people (14–16 years old) who drink alcohol (n = 89 participants matched between timepoints two and three included in inferential analysis)

Intervention: Group viewing of digital stories followed by discussion and questionnaires at three timepoints


Theory of Planned Behavior

Quantitative: Questionnaires one-month prior to the intervention, immediately after viewing the intervention, and six months after the intervention

Quantitative: Positive effect on knowledge for the intervention sample (F = 3.35; p = 0.07); Intervention participants got drunk fewer times in the last week compared to controls (F = 1.90; p = 0.07)

Chia-Chen Chen, Wonsun, and Larkey (2019) [26]



Creators: Vietnamese American mothers of children vaccinated against HPV

Viewers: Vietnamese American mothers of at least one unvaccinated child between the ages of 11–17 years old (n = 10)

Intervention: Group viewing of digital stories followed by surveys


Culture-Centric Narratives in Health Promotion

Quantitative: Pre/Post intervention surveys

Quantitative: Statistically significant findings in the knowledge (effect size = 1.0; p = 0.03) and attitudes (effect size = 0.8; p = 0.05) around HPV vaccination. The intervention was determined feasible and acceptable to participants. All participants reported their intent to vaccinate their children

Cueva, Kuhnley, Revels, Schoenberg, and Dignan (2015) [34]



Creators: Community Health Aide/Practitioners (CHA/P) created short 2–3-min movies on the topics of wellness, cancer risk reduction and prevention, and screening for early detection and treatment

Viewers: Rural community members (n = 15)

Intervention: Community members watched the DS online, at the health clinic, at home, at a community showing, at a local business, or at work. They were invited to participate in a telephone interview 1–5 months after watching the DS

Case Study

Culture-Centric Narratives in Health Promotion and Indigenous Epistemology and Ontology

Qualitative: Post intervention interview

Qualitative: Digital stories reported as an “emotionally engaging” approach, a starting place for discussions on inner reflection, insight, and cancer prevention. Emphasis on indigenous epistemology and ontology stemming from prioritized relationships and interconnectedness

Cueva et al. (2016) [35]



Creators: Community Health Workers (CHWs) created digital stories on tobacco cessation, colon and breast screening, treatment, and early detection of cancer

Viewers: Alaska Native community members. (n = 29)

Intervention: Group viewing of digital stories followed by questionnaire and discussion

Case study

None listed

Qualitative: Open-ended questionnaire and focus groups with written and verbal comments

Qualitative: Participants described digital stories as being culturally respectful, engaging, informational, inspiring, and motivational

Flicker et al. (2020) [39]



Creators: Indigenous youth who participated in digital storytelling workshops on HIV activism

Viewers: Members from the youths’ community and internationally (number of viewers not listed)

Intervention: Youth hosted group screenings in their communities followed by discussions

Case study

Bioecological Model of Human Development

Qualitative: Semi-structured qualitative interviews with youth creators and discussion with audience members

Qualitative: the impact of digital stories was seen at the macro (policy), meso (family, peers, and community), and micro (youth) levels. The digital stories sparked conversations in the community about HIV prevention and care. Community support spread through kinship networks

Jernigan, Salvatore, Styne, and Winkleby (2012) [36]



Creators: Native American community leaders

Viewers: Community members (n = 40)

Intervention: Group viewing of DS followed by focus groups

Case study

Tool for Health and Resilience in Vulnerable Environments (THRIVE) Policy Engagement Framework

Qualitative: Focus Groups

Qualitative: Community members identified racial injustice and both physical and financial barriers to accessing healthy and culturally appropriate foods as areas of greatest importance. This outcome resulted in creation of local policies to reduce identified barriers

Treffry-Goatley, Lessells, Moletsane, de Oliveira, and Gaede (2018) [40]

South Africa


Creators: Community members recruited from primary healthcare programs discussing HIV and Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)

Viewers: Digital stories were disseminated to 7 local public health clinics for patients’ viewing. Respondents before screening (n = 852), Respondents after screening (n = 860), Participants from the general public, healthcare workers, and Community Advisory Board (n = 65)

Intervention: Viewed DS in waiting room followed by survey and discussion


Freire’s Theoretical Framework of Empowerment

Qualitative: Focus groups, and observation of individuals watching digital stories

Quantitative: Surveys

Qualitative: Focus groups revealed that DS are an effective way to engage people and stimulate discussion around HIV and its treatment

Quantitative: Descriptive statistics demonstrated no difference in knowledge or understanding of HIV or ART between intervention and control participants

Wieland et al. (2017)b [37]



Creators c: Latino and Somali storytellers completed a digital storytelling workshop onT2D self-management

Viewers: Latino and Somali patients (n = 25)

Intervention: Individual viewing of digital stories followed by face-to-face interviews and blood glucose measurement

Cross-sectional structured interviews; Cohort Study

Narrative Theory and Social Cognitive Theory

Qualitative: interviews to assess intervention acceptability, interest level, usefulness, self-rated confidence, and motivation for managing T2D

Quantitative: measures of A1C for intervention feasibility and preliminary evidence

Qualitative: High acceptability, stated to be interesting, and useful. Reported a range of main messages coinciding with intention to change T2D related behavior, more confident about managing T2D after watching the video, and plans to share video

Quantitative: hemoglobin A1C change was statistically significant among Latino participants (-1.5% [-17 mmol/mol] change from baseline; p = 0.03) but not Somali participants (-0.4% [-4 mmol/mol] change from baseline; p = 0.36)

Willis et al. (2014) [41]



Creators: Young people (18–22 years old) from (HIV) Africaid Zvandiri programme

Viewers: Primary caregivers of the creators (n = 12)

Intervention: Group viewing of digital stories followed by discussion

Case study

Social Constructionism in the context of narrative therapy

Qualitative: One focus group with caregivers

Qualitative: Caregivers stated that after watching the DS they had a better understanding of their children and that the intervention helped share memories of people who had died and in some cases helped individuals accept their own HIV status

  1. aViewers were not creators of the intervention
  2. bThe Carlson et. al. and Wieland et. al. articles come from the same research group and thus use the same digital stories
  3. cInformation extracted from Njeru J.W., et al. (2015) [49]