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Table 2 Characteristics and risk profiles of 515 AGYW programme beneficiaries who accessed a Safe Space (unweighted analysis)

From: Safe spaces for beneficiaries of a combination HIV prevention intervention for adolescent girls and young women in South Africa: access, feasibility, and acceptability


Total sample

N (%)

Accessed a Safe Space = 1

Freq (%)

Pearson Chi2 comparing those who did and did not access a Safe Space for each variable

(Test statistic) P value

Age group

 15–19 years

264 (51.3)

52 (18.7)

(1.5837) 0.21

 20–24 years

251 (48.7)

61 (24.3)



 Relatively low

147 (28.5)

29 (13.6)

(8.3471) < 0.01

 Relatively high

368 (71.5)

93 (25.3)


Hunger in household in past month


86 (16.7)

23 (26.7)

(1.3902) 0.24


429 (83.3)

90 (21.9)


Orphan status

 Maternal and/or paternal orphan

196 (38.1)

40 (20.4%)

(0.4345) 0.51

 Not orphaned

319 (61.9)

73 (22.9%)


Maternal orphan status

 Maternal orphan

102 (19.8)

24 (23.5)

(0.1872) 0.68

 Not a maternal orphan

413 (80.2)

89 (21.6)




62 (12.0)

18 (29.0)

(2.0690) 0.15


453 (88.0)

95 (21.0)


Ever been pregnant


159 (30.9)

32 (20.1)

(0.4429) 0.51


356 (69.1)

81 (22.8)


Ever had a transactional relationship with a man or transactional sex


26 (5.1)

8 (30.8)

(1.2458) 0.26


489 (95.0)

105 (21.5)


Fear of male partner in past 6 months


77 (15.0)

21 (27.3)

(1.5023) 0.22


438 (85.0)

92 (21.0)


Ever had sex


389 (75.5)

87 (22.4)

(0.1663) 0.68


126 (24.5)

26 (20.6)


Had early sexual debut (< 15 years)b


26 (6.7)

5 (19.2)

(0.1576) 0.69


363 (93.3)

82 (22.6)


Age disparate sex in past 6 months (>/= 5 years)b


58 (14.9)

10 (17.2)

(1.0306) 0.31


331 (85.1)

77 (23.3)


Multiple male partners in past 6 months (> 1)b


81 (20.8)

25 (30.9)

(4.2561) 0.04


308 (79.2)

62 (20.1)


Inconsistent condom use with last one (or two) partners b


303 (77.9)

69 (22.7)

(0.1309) 0.72


86 (22.1)

18 (20.9)


Inconsistent use of contraceptives in past 6 monthsb


258 (66.3)

56 (21.7)

(0.1920) 0.66


131 (33.7)

31 (23.7)


Languishing in terms of emotional well-being


74 (14.4)

15 (20.3)

(0.1410) 0.71


441 (85.6)

98 (22.2)


High risk of depression


145 (28.2)

31 (21.4)

(0.0373) 0.85


379 (71.8)

82 (22.2)


High Audit C Score (>/=2)


248 (48.2)

52 (21.0)

(0.2650) 0.61


267 (51.8)

61 (22.9)

  1. a NEET Not in education, employment or training; b Denominator is 389 AGYW who had ever had sex
  2. *SES was divided into relatively low and relatively high based on shared features through cluster analysis