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Table 1 Major and Minor Themes identified in interviews with SmartNet users

From: A qualitative study of the acceptability of remote electronic bednet use monitoring in Uganda

Who should use LLINs

  Children, pregnant women, and other high-risk individuals should use LLIN

  Everyone should use LLIN but prioritize high risk groups

LLIN compared to SmartNet

Differences between using LLIN and SmartNet

  No difference

  Improved use due sense of accountability and monitoring

  Improved use due to education about net use

Perceived differences between characteristics of LLIN and SmartNet

  No difference

  SmartNet is larger and more effective than prior LLIN

  SmartNet light may be bothersome

  SmartNet light may be reassuring

TAM and TFA constructs

Perceived ease of use of SmartNet

  SmartNet is high-quality, ergonomic, and durable

  Education about SmartNet facilitates net use

Perceived usefulness of SmartNet

  SmartNet works better and prevents mosquitos from entering more effectively than LLIN

  SmartNet decreases frequency of malaria

  SmartNet use made participants feel “cared for”

Opportunity costs of using SmartNet compared to LLIN

  Difficulty washing SmartNet

  SmartNet size not always sufficient

  Insecticide treatment will wear off, and SmartNet might not be retreated

Ethical considerations

  Concerns about “spying” in participants homes

  Accountability provides positive motivation to use the net

  Fear of judgement for not using LLIN

  Concerns about SmartNet may be linked to users’ understanding

Recommended improvements

  Remove SmartNet’s blinking light

  Provide a storage bag to protect electronic components of SmartNet

  Community education

  Increase size and attachment options

  Provide insecticide re-treatment for SmartNet