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Table 2 Estimated changes in early and inadequate prenatal care before and after the policy across birthing person education and race/ethnicity

From: Prenatal healthcare after sentencing reform: heterogeneous effects for prenatal healthcare access and equity


Effect heterogeneity

Average % change in pre

vs. post policy (95% CIs)

% Change in pre-policy trend

vs. post-policy trend (95% CIs)


County prison admissions

increased the most


County Prison admissions

decreased the most


County prison admissions

increased the most


County Prison admissions

decreased the most

First trimester prenatal care



 > High school

High school

 < High school

2.71 (1.62, 3.81)

3.99 (2.29, 5.72)

4.58 (0.73, 8.59)

0.80 (0.09, 1.52)

4.12 (3.02, 5.23)

8.13 (6.35, 9.95)

0.00% (-0.10, 0.11)

0.10% (-0.06, 0.27)

0.06% (-0.31, 0.44)

-0.03% (-0.08, 0.02)

0.23% (0.14, 0.32)

0.22% (0.06, 0.37)



Non-Hispanic White

Non-Hispanic Black

2.97 (2.01, 3.93)

6.14 (-1.97, 14.91)

1.55 (0.83, 2.29)

4.68 (3.22, 6.16)

0.04% (-0.05, 0.13)

0.25% (-0.53, 1.03)

-0.01% (-0.06, 0.04)

0.23% (0.11, 0.35)

Inadequate prenatal care



 > High school

High school

 < High school

-6.64 (-13.04, 0.22)

9.20 (1.09, 17.96)

5.25 (-0.02, 10.80)

-17.92 (-20.56, -15.20)

-7.06 (-10.11, -3.91)

-3.74 (-6.89, -0.48)

0.06% (-0.62, 0.76)

0.19% (-0.55, 0.95)

-0.15% (-0.65, 0.35)

0.21% (-0.05, 0.48)

-0.42% (-0.68, -0.15)

-0.28% (-0.56, -0.00)



Non-Hispanic White

Non-Hispanic Black

3.49 (-0.73, 7.88)

-3.17 (-19.13, 15.93)

-14.53 (-17.27, -11.71)

-4.36 (-7.68, -0.93)

-0.02% (-0.42, 0.38)

0.23% (-1.47, 1.95)

0.23% (-0.03, 0.51)

-0.37% (-0.62, -0.12)

  1. Average percent change in each outcome was estimated from Poisson models with robust error variance that interacted a post policy variable with birthing person education and, separately, race/ethnicity. The change in pre- versus post-policy trends in each outcome were estimated by interacting the post-policy variable with a linear monthly time trend and birthing person education and, separately, race/ethnicity. All models were stratified across quartiles of post-policy changes in county prison admissions, and adjust for age, marital status, insurance type, crime rate, and included county-level fixed effects. In Q1 counties, rates of prison admissions increased by 1.34–10.6 per 100,000, whereas in Q4 counties prison admissions decreased by 1.10 - 4.28 per 100,000