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Table 2 Structure of the food hygiene intervention

From: Design, delivery, and determinants of uptake: findings from a food hygiene behavior change intervention in rural Bangladesh




Behavior change techniquea

Group event 1

Introduce 6 key feeding and food hygiene behaviors and present their importance for the health and well-being of the child

- Storytelling

- Information about health consequences

- Picture matching game

- Instructions on how to perform the behavior


Encourage households to grow a diverse garden and maintain a clean kitchen and homestead compound along with the 6 key behaviors

- Women’s pledge to adopt the key behaviors and ‘ideal family’ practices

- Announcement of ‘ideal family’ competition and indicators

- Goal setting (behaviors)

- Commitment

- Social incentive

Household visit 1

Physical rearrangement of kitchen or cooking area as a cue to perform the new behaviors

- Kitchen/cooking area makeover

- Providing reminder materials (e.g., eye danglers, stickers) for kitchen

- Restructuring the physical environment

- Adding objects to the environment

Highlight the links between cleanliness of kitchen and 4 food hygiene behaviors

- Introduction to ‘clean kitchen’ indicators

- Instructions on how to perform the behavior

- Goal setting (behaviors)

Group event 2

Remind of the consequences of poor feeding and food hygiene behaviors for young children

- Sharing individual experiences with the group

- Review behavior goal(s)

- Role play: child life game

- Instructions on how to perform the behavior

- Recall of food hygiene key messages

- Announcement of ‘clean kitchen’ competition

- Behavior practice/rehearsal

- Social incentive

Household visit 2

Highlight the importance of diversified, nutritious, and safe food for women of child-bearing age and young children

- Discuss individual household experiences

- Review behavior goal(s)

- Discuss the importance of a garden with vegetables and fruit in improving household’s dietary diversity

- Information about health consequences

- Flip chart presentation on optimal feeding behaviors

- Instructions on how to perform the behavior

- Demonstration of the hygienic preparation of a diverse food plate for women and young children (6–23 months)

- Distribution of a complementary feeding mat

- Demonstration of the behavior

- Adding objects to the environment

- Observation of food hygiene activities against ‘ideal family’ and ‘clean kitchen’ indicators

- Feedback on behavior

Group event 3

Demonstrate transmission of germs and food contamination to emphasize the importance of clean utensils and handwashing

- Sharing individual experiences with the group

- Review behavior goal(s)

- Feedback on behavior

- A ‘disgust exercise’ using Glo Germ™. Glo Germ™ is a fluorescent liquid or gel visible only under ultraviolet light. It was used to simulate the distribution of germs on hands and utensils during food hygiene sessions.

- Information about health consequences

- Instructions on how to perform the behavior

Household visit 3

Highlight the importance of proper storage of food and drinking water and thorough reheating of stored food

- Discuss individual household experiences

- Flip chart presentation on food hygiene behaviors

- Review behavior goal(s)

- Information about health consequences


- Instructions on how to perform the behavior

- Demonstration of proper time and temperature of safe proper reheating using food thermometer

- Demonstration of the behavior

- Observation of food hygiene activities against ‘ideal family’ and ‘clean kitchen’ indicators

- Feedback on behavior

Household visit 4

Ask women to self-assess their food hygiene practices

- A ‘pile sorting exercise’ to rank the behaviors in order of ease to practice

- Graded tasks

Encourage maintenance of practices in future

- Observation of food hygiene activities against ‘ideal family’ and ‘clean kitchen’ indicators

- Feedback on behavior

Group event 4

Announce the ‘ideal family’ and the ‘clean kitchen’ winners

- Reward ceremony and distribution of ‘ideal family’ photos among ‘ideal family’ winners and handwashing soaps among ‘clean kitchen’ winners

- Social reward

- Selection of peer leaders

- Social support

- Public pledge to continue food hygiene practices

- Commitment

  1. aBehavior change techniques taxonomy (v1) [31] was used to label the intervention activities