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Table 1 Characteristics of observations included in the fixed effects models

From: Associations between starting and stopping volunteering and physical activity among older adults - longitudinal evidence from the German Ageing Survey


Men (n = 3,172)

Women (n = 2,510)

Age, mean (SD)

74.1 (6.0)

73.2 (5.9)

Marital status, n (%)

- Married living together

2511 (79.2%)

1431 (57.0%)

- Married living apart

43 (1.4%)

19 (0.8%)

- Divorced

186 (5.9%)

260 (10.4%)

- Widowed

332 (10.5%)

700 (27.9%)

- Single

100 (3.2%)

100 (4.0%)

OECD monthly equivalence income, mean (SD)

1951.2 (1127.5)

1835.5 (1347.7)

Self-efficacy, mean (SD) from 1 (low) to 4 (high)

3.1 (0.4)

3.1 (0.4)

Self-rated health, n (%)

- Very good

192 (6.1%)

180 (7.2%)

- Good

1416 (44.6%)

1112 (44.3%)

- Average

1235 (38.9%)

971 (38.7)

- Bad

278 (8.8%)

210 (8.4%)

- Very bad

51 (1.6%)

27 (1.5%)

Sum of morbidities, mean (SD) from 0 to 11

3.1 (2.0)

3.0 (2.0)

Physical functioning (SF-36 subscale), mean (SD) from 0 (worst) to 100 (best)

80.3 (22.9)

75.0 (25.6)

Incidence of accident or disease, n (%)

- Disease

756 (23.8%)

461 (18.4%)

- Accident

157 (4.9%)

228 (9.1%)

- Both

46 (1.5%)

35 (1.4%)

- No

2213 (69.8%)

1786 (71.2%)

Physical activity measured in MET per week

5759.6 (5259.3)

6017.1 (5579.2)

Volunteering in an organisation, (%)

770 (24.3%)

499 (19.9%)

  1. MET Metabolic Equivalent of Task, OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, SD standard deviation