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Table 2 Prevalence of tenant wellbeing needs in the last three months by domain (N = 100)

From: The wellbeing needs of social housing tenants in Australia: an exploratory study


Could have used help

n (%)

Paying unexpected bills (e.g. broken fridge)1

42 (43)

Feelings of sadness or anxiety3

39 (40)

Feelings of anger or frustration3

34 (34)

Memory or concentration problems3

33 (33)

Worrying about the future3

32 (32)

Antisocial behaviour from neighbours2

30 (31)

Budgeting to make ends meet1

30 (30)

Finding a job1

28 (29)

Getting the right skills for a job (e.g. training)1

27 (28)

Control over the direction of your life is taking5

27 (27)

Safety in your housing block2

24 (24)

Safety in your neighbourhood2

24 (24)

Noise from surrounding homes2

23 (23)

Finding someone to talk to about your day-to-day problems3

23 (23)

Feeling part of the wider local community3

22 (22)

Your neighbourhood being dirty or run down2

22 (22)

Accessing aged care services (if ≥ 65yrs or more, n = 18)4

4 (22)

Transport if there was an emergency1

19 (19)

Accessing assistance services (e.g. Salvation Army)4

17 (17)

Being able to rent privately (i.e. move out of social housing)5

16 (17)


16 (16)

Dealing with social security payment provider (i.e. Centrelink)4

16 (16)

Dealing with your community housing provider4

15 (15)

Vandalism or damage to your property2

15 (15)

Control over the type of house/unit you live in (e.g. no. bedrooms)5

14 (14)

Transport to appointments (e.g. to the doctor)1

13 (13)

Dealing with National Disability Insurance Scheme4

13 (13)

Legal issues4

12 (12)

Dealing with police4

12 (12)

Dealing with the justice system4

11 (11)

Having control over the suburb that you live in5

11 (11)


9 (9)

Day to day activities (e.g. washing or dressing)3

9 (9)

Alcohol problems3

6 (6)

Gambling problems3

5 (5)

Drug problems3

4 (4)

Overcrowding at home2

4 (4)

Violence in your household2

2 (2)

  1. Note: Superscript numbers indicate domain category
  2. 1Transport, employment and financial stress
  3. 2Housing & Safety
  4. 3Health and wellbeing
  5. 4Access to services
  6. 5Life control