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Table 1 Interview Guide

From: Understanding how to live with hepatitis B: a qualitative investigation of peer advice for Chinese people living with hepatitis B in Australia

Information sought

Interview Prompts

When and how people were diagnosed

• Who told you that you had hepatitis B?

• When did you find out that you had hepatitis B?

• How old were you when you were told you had hepatitis B?

• Were you tested for hepatitis B by a doctor, or someone else?

• What information were you given when you were told that you had hepatitis B?

• Do other people in your family have hepatitis B?

Has having hepatitis B changed a participant’s life, and if this has occurred in a negative and/or positive way.

• Has having hepatitis B changed your life? How? Have there been good things that have happened because you have hepatitis B?

What the participant would tell their best friend, if their friend had been diagnosed with hepatitis B.

• You’ve told us how you were diagnosed and the information that you were given.

• From your experience, what have been the 5 most useful pieces of information that you would tell your best friend or a family member about living with hepatitis B?

• What information would have been the most useful when you were told you had hepatitis B?

Identifying the information that would have helped the participant the most when they found out they had hepatitis B. Where did they get this information?

• Where did you get this information? And why was it useful for you?

Any suggestions from the participants for interventions to increase the number of people with hepatitis B being diagnosed.

• There are many people who have hepatitis B that don’t know that they have the virus. From your experience, what could you suggest would increase the number of people with hepatitis B being diagnosed?