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Table 5 Descriptive and internal consistency statistics for obesity-related parenting domains

From: Adolescents’ proxy reports on obesity-related parenting practices: factorial validity and reliability across four behavioral domains

Survey Item (shown as on parent survey)

Mean (SD)



Fruit and Vegetable Parenting

 1. I buy fruits and vegetables for my teenager

4.47 (0.76)

4.47 (0.83)

 2. I try to eat fruits and vegetables when my teenager is around

4.16 (0.94)

4.09 (1.05)

 3. I encourage my teenager to try different kinds of fruits and vegetables

4.44 (0.74)

4.35 (0.89)

 4. My teenager and I decide how many fruits and vegetables he/she has to eat

3.16 (1.22)

3.09 (1.31)

 5. I have to make sure that my teenager eats enough fruits and vegetables

3.92 (1.17)

3.44 (1.32)

 6. I make my teenager eat fruits and vegetables

3.36 (1.27)

3.37 (1.36)

 7. It’s okay for me to make rules about how many fruits and vegetables my teenager can have

3.85 (1.06)

3.51 (1.20)

Cronbach’s alpha

a = 0.78

a = 0.83

Junk Food Parenting

 1. If my teenager has a bad day, I let him/her have junk food/sugary  drinks to feel better

3.64 (1.14)

3.58 (1.18)

 2. I don’t buy a lot of junk food or sugary drinks for my teenager

3.55 (1.19)

3.37 (1.24)

 3. I try to avoid junk food or sugary drinks when my teenager is around

3.20 (1.23)

3.12 (1.26)

 4. My teenager and I decide together how much junk food or sugary drinks he/she can have

3.17 (1.18)

3.04 (1.25)

 5. I have to make sure that my teenager doesn’t eat too much junk food or drink too many sugary drinks

3.60 (1.24)

3.22 (1.32)

 6. I decide how much junk food or sugary drinks my teenager can have

3.44 (1.17)

3.20 (1.26)

 7. It’s okay for me to make rules about how much junk food or sugary drinks my teenager can have

4.09 (.948)

3.54 (1.16)

 Cronbach’s alpha

a = 0.74

a = 0.79

Physical Activity Parenting

 1. I have to make sure my teenager gets enough physical activity

3.30 (1.34)

2.98 (1.32)

 2. I take my teenager places where he/she can by physically active

3.67 (1.15)

3.65 (1.19)

 3. My teenager and I decide together how much physical activity he/she has to do

2.82 (1.22)

2.75 (1.27)

 4. I make my teenager exercise or go out and play

3.07 (1.31)

2.98 (1.33)

 5. I try to be physically active when my teenager is around

3.45 (1.11)

3.18 (1.24)

 6. It’s okay for me to make rules about how much time my teenager spends being physically active/playing

3.72 (1.02)

3.30 (1.34)

 Cronbach’s alpha

a = 0.80

a = 0.79

Screen Time Parenting

 1. If my teenager has a bad day, I let him/her have screen time to feel better

3.20 (1.21)

3.25 (1.24)

 2. My teenager and I decide together how much screen time he/she can have

2.95 (1.20)

2.78 (1.29)

 3. I take my teenager places where he/she can play video games, watch movies, etc

3.49 (1.29)

3.34 (1.30)

 4. I decide how much screen time my teenager can have

3.24 (1.26)

2.94 (1.36)

 5. I have to make sure my teenager does not have too much screen time

3.43 (1.27)

3.02 (1.36)

 6. I try to limit my own screen time when my teenager is around

3.00 (1.25)

2.59 (1.29)

 7. It’s okay for me to make rules about how much screen time my teenager can have

4.06 (0.97)

3.25 (1.23)

 Cronbach’s alpha

a = 0.82

a = 0.85

  1. Each item was answered on a Likert scale from 1 to 5, with a 1 indicating strongly disagree and a 5 indicating strongly agree