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Table 2 Criminogenic and institution-specific characteristics of study sample (N = 46)

From: Opioid agonist treatment (OAT) experiences and release plans among federally incarcerated individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD) in Ontario, Canada: a mixed-methods study


% (n)

Security level at interview


78% (36)


22% (10)

Offence typea


35% (16)


22% (10)


22% (10)


15% (7)


7% (3)

Sentence length (years)a

 Mean ± SD

3.1 ± 1.3

Number of sentencesa


61% (28)


39% (18)

Institutional activitiesa c

 Correctional Programming

83% (38)


39% (18)


20% (9)

History of institutional chargesa c

44% (20)

Institutional incidentsa c

46% (21)

 Drug contraband

22% (10)

Institutional urinalysisac

78% (36)

 Positive for illicit drug use

17% (6)

 Positive for illicit opioid use

8% (3)

  1. aData acquired from CSC; Violent offences include homicide, sex-related, assault, and other
  2. bOnly one participant had a maximum security classification
  3. cTimeframe was between initial admission to federal custody and interview date. Correctional programming entails multi-target skill-based learning programs that address multiple risk factors linked to individuals’ criminal behaviour, offered at moderate and high-risk intensity levels