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Table 1 Baseline Social, Demographic, and sexual Characteristics of female sex workers (n = 3,791) and men having sex with men (n = 822) who completed at least three months of PrEP

From: Increased condom use among key populations using oral PrEP in Kenya: results from large scale programmatic surveillance


FSW (n = 3,791)

Median (IQR) or

Number (percent)

MSM (n = 822)

Median (IQR) or

Number (percent)


 Up to 20

395 (10%)

134 (16%)

 21 to 24

783 (21%)

307 (37%)

 25 to 30

1,274 (34%)

227 (28%)

 31 to 34

560 (15%)

64 (8%)

 35 and over

779 (21%)

90 (11%)

Marital status

 Never married

2,379 (63%)

700 (85%)


410 (11%)

82 (10%)


984 (26%)

40 (5%)

Lives with a partner who is HIV positive

95 (3%)

22 (3%)

Self-reported history of infection with a sexually transmitted infections (in the past 6 months)

236 (6%)

56 (7%)

Reports having sex under the influence of alcohol and drugs (Once in the past 30 days)

1,351 (36%)

323 (39%)

Self-reported consistent condom use (in the past 30 days)

2,621 (69%)

531 (65%)

Used post exposure prophylaxis more than once in the past six months before beginning PrEP

173 (5%)

19 (2%)

Recent history of intimate partner violence (IPV) or gender based violence (GBV)

49 (1%)

12 (1%)

Has a sex partner(s) whose HIV status is unknown to them but they consider him/her to be at a high risk of HIV

2,985 (79%)

682 (83%)

Health facility type


201 (5%)

27 (3%)

 Drop-in Centre

3,590 (95%)

795 (97%)

Geographical cluster


1,263 (33%)

210 (26%)


1,224 (32%)

367 (45%)


1,304 (34%)

245 (30%)