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Table 6 Effects of ERS on long-term physical activity in mental health referrals

From: Evaluation of the uptake, retention and effectiveness of exercise referral schemes for the management of mental health conditions in primary care: a systematic review

Study details

Outcome measure

Outcome assessment

Results ERS vs. C


2012 [29]


MET minutes of physical activity a week

- Meeting current exercise guidelines if MET ≥1000

4, 8, 12 months

Participants doing ≥1000 MET minutes of physical activity per week (%):

4 months

- ERS = 52%

- C = 43%

8 months

- ERS = 63%

- C = 49%

12 months

- ERS = 58%

- C = 40%

Between group difference at 4 months

Adjusted OR 1.58 (95%CI 0.94 to 2.66) P = 0.08

Between group difference using combined 4-, 8- and 12-month data

Adjusted OR 2.27 (95%CI 1.32 to 3.89) P = 0.003


2012 [30]



12 months

12 months adjusted between group difference in 7D-PAR score

= OR 1.06 (95%CI 0.73 to 1.55) P>0.05

  1. ERS exercise referral scheme group, C comparator group, SD standard deviation, MH mental health, CHD coronary heart disease, N/I no information available, CI confidence interval, 7-D PAR 7-day physical activity recall, MET metabolic equivalent of the task, OR odds ratio, P<0.05 = significant difference