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Table 1 Classification Scheme Overview

From: Qualitatively exploring the intersection of health and housing needs in Canadian crowdfunding campaigns



Types of Needs Articulated

Health status creates need for housing relocation

Campaigners who needed to relocate in order to be closer to health care facilities or to improve their health

Relocation to be closer to a hospital providing ongoing treatment; Maintaining regular residence while funding temporary relocation to access treatment

Health status or impairment creates need for housing modification(s)

Campaigners whose health status or impairment(s) necessitated housing modifications, typically to improve accessibility

Building ramps or wheelchair turnarounds; Installing roll-in showers or ceiling tracks

Health status contributes to poor or no housing

Campaigners who were unable to cover housing costs, attributing this at least in part to their health and the costs associated with its maintenance (e.g., prescriptions)

Assistance with paying for some or all of rent and housing-related costs such as utilities; Costs associated with acquiring housing (e.g., first month of rent, damage deposit)

Deleterious housing contributing to poor health status

Campaigners living in deleterious housing that was negatively affecting their health

Assistance with covering costs of black mold removal; Costs associated with remediating structurally unsound housing (e.g., moisture in floorboards/walls, exposed electrical sockets)

Cycle of poor health status contributing to poor housing and the opposite

Campaigners who reported experiencing a long-term connection between poor health exacerbating poor housing and the opposite

Support to pay rent due to the inability to work; Costs of rebuilding a life shaped by multiple traumas